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Current weekly ad Lidl - Valid from 12/07 to 12/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lidl 12/07/2022 - 12/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

snapdragon | miniavocados vp sstomer poe + in five pet comer Raise American™ ra organic beef grass fed ok 85%tean rs bone inham portion = + geldinpacketsrorsiag7 QQ spercustemer Sa steelhead trout fillet Tyson® frozen portions, skinon cornishhen + Umit 1b. pereustomer + ior save $4,00 “aD Lidl Preferred Selection . breakfast sausage frozen cooked shrimp ring + choose from original tray with cocktail sauce oemaple = tntttourper customer + lime sixpercustomes breakfast item * haose rom pts Baga babar bagels, = pancake & wattle i + choose from blonde roast, café nojr, medium roast, Sea complete pancake & waffle mi, Gonut shop, 100% Columbian or breakfast blend + choose from ginger turmer original syrup, butter syrup or lite syrup Vox. recbect erator gingertemen + B32 + limit six per customer : + 5floz. + limit 30 per customer + limit 15 per customer mix { Ow aT eer ean pate a aaa tr beer TRIN ee el Fd Lo pat frozen French toast sticks ‘ + choose from ceiginal or 4 = double cinnamon cream cheese spread, plain innit slx pet customer — + limit sie per ewstomer she opis tas moaintn pancake mix Daisy® cottage cheese with fruit ~—s Delo ‘Two-Bite® FT choses rom pagan + choone from bhueberies ex pineapple cou ZF singerbread ‘orhot chocolate + Cox re, cinnamon rolls + limit 15 percustomer ~ — . ae tents match 48 holiday flavored Toast Crunch™ cereal + choose romappte pte [ Pillsbury™ Grandst™ hot br sugar cook cocoa rolls, limited edition cz ser aL} eres reg. price 249 ‘g + de a Solevita 100% orange juice, Be d <= j no pulp reg. price 3.79 a ae 5 ‘os Fa i ahha fe 2 ghwove from stiginal orcalefusn a Solevita100%premiumruby quick bre: : tion organ viaminD Solevita 100% apple juice redgrapefruitjuice | Smuffinmix, fae Oe maple syrup, » Sonor ae mis holiday spice SEB m= Cinnamon \ ce > Semtse perewtomes bat7 ares \ SN PIO FETT instantoatmeal choose feom cranberry orange. rbtead oF a favorina . 24 days of myLidl holi-deals exclusive new deal every day!

Latest weekly ads

snapdragon | miniavocados vp sstomer poe + in five pet comer Raise American™ ra organic beef grass fed ok 85%tean rs bone inham portion = + geldinpacketsrorsiag7 QQ spercustemer Sa steelhead trout fillet Tyson® frozen portions, skinon cornishhen + Umit 1b. pereustomer + ior save $4,00 “aD Lidl Preferred Selection . breakfast sausage frozen cooked shrimp ring + choose from original tray with cocktail sauce oemaple = tntttourper customer + lime sixpercustomes breakfast item * haose rom pts Baga babar bagels, = pancake & wattle i + choose from blonde roast, café nojr, medium roast, Sea complete pancake & waffle mi, Gonut shop, 100% Columbian or breakfast blend + choose from ginger turmer original syrup, butter syrup or lite syrup Vox. recbect erator gingertemen + B32 + limit six per customer : + 5floz. + limit 30 per customer + limit 15 per customer mix { Ow aT eer ean pate a aaa tr beer TRIN ee el Fd Lo pat frozen French toast sticks ‘ + choose from ceiginal or 4 = double cinnamon cream cheese spread, plain innit slx pet customer — + limit sie per ewstomer she opis tas moaintn pancake mix Daisy® cottage cheese with fruit ~—s Delo ‘Two-Bite® FT choses rom pagan + choone from bhueberies ex pineapple cou ZF singerbread ‘orhot chocolate + Cox re, cinnamon rolls + limit 15 percustomer ~ — . ae tents match 48 holiday flavored Toast Crunch™ cereal + choose romappte pte [ Pillsbury™ Grandst™ hot br sugar cook cocoa rolls, limited edition cz ser aL} eres reg. price 249 ‘g + de a Solevita 100% orange juice, Be d <= j no pulp reg. price 3.79 a ae 5 ‘os Fa i ahha fe 2 ghwove from stiginal orcalefusn a Solevita100%premiumruby quick bre: : tion organ viaminD Solevita 100% apple juice redgrapefruitjuice | Smuffinmix, fae Oe maple syrup, » Sonor ae mis holiday spice SEB m= Cinnamon \ ce > Semtse perewtomes bat7 ares \ SN PIO FETT instantoatmeal choose feom cranberry orange. rbtead oF a favorina . 24 days of myLidl holi-deals exclusive new deal every day!

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