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Current weekly ad Fry's - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fry's 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

MORE WAYS TO SAVE 2234_FFAUC FRESH FOR ererones , Manzdhas Swee ~ ~ > y y 3 Tango 0 Envy ——=) With Card Seedless Mandarins Z 3 Ib Bag Mandarinas sin a ‘ ¥ Semillas_ v r Medio Lomo de , 7 2 Cerdo sin Hueso 0 Solomillo de Cerdo ‘Cate Molida de Res Fresca 80% Magra - ae eel y V9 ny jal ; ee 947 darn eae topos j } St, I : Fresh Boneless Pork ae : Half Loin or Pork : , Cocidos i / Tenderloin Extra Ce Natural or Hormel Marinated ‘When You Buy 4 oh Pork Loins, 1.5 lb, $5.99, , Sold Whole in Bag s : we . = epee 9413 02 oF Fritos,9.25-10 o7 Cc =3 OC or Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz; > y 26-30 ct, Sold In a ec ates = 2 lb Bag for $15.98 Wien you buy 4 or more in ie same transaction with Cord. Quotes less than 1 " 4 will be up to $4.99 each With Card 12 ct K-Cups or Swiss Miss Cocoa Mix or Café Escapes, 10-12 ct K-Cups; Select Varieties Fin 8 Ee AAD ~Y 9 WA table - EF With Card* : ra Dulces de Halloween, Tamano'Grande o Ga) eae SI- ia , Fun With Card , 7 y, G er Hershey's Jumbo Size or Coca-Cola, Pepsi Ls ), Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size a =e Halloween Candy or 7UP 4 a Select Varieties, 15.21.35 o7 Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 fl.oz Cans When you buy 3 or more inthe same ransacton with *Portepating item selection may vary by stor. tems must be purchased in the same ransation or 8-Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles Cord. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. with Card. Discount applied at checkout on the tem of equal or lesser value with Card. geile, 3 ‘Agua Mineral con z aa ‘Alcohol o.Cerveza ail eid oa 25% OFF ms 16.99 bers AT aie stolg < “T° eee aks a te | Oe >t ay ru it law hoe cee SelectVarieties, 12-Pack. 12 og Bottles or Cans Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for in one transaction with Card. these tags. W | ils H D | G | TA L (ee) 0] PO iN iS “When you buy participating items in the same transactic DT keer oy Participating item varieties and es Butter, Josh *See inside for details. Vinos Cellars or Korbel’ ap Select Varieties, 750 ml wit 3/86 Siu DIGITAL COUPON OFFER a 2) (= DIGITAL COUPON OFFER >| 79 JEA* Salsa para Pasta Post Cereal == Prego or Prego Plus orto Sassen) 18x oes Pasta Sauce A/S5 Uy (Excludes Alfredo) 2.49 wi a 4 Card DIGITAL COUPON OFFER oan off a DICT cas geages mom cowok Se 14 . jema Agra. aD) GS yy ) 99 oq, A Saee sour VT | JEA* Kraft Macaroni om /EA* \ eee and Cheese Doritos 6-10.75 oz or Ruffles, -_ Kroger Sour Cream Saughetios ginal or Wath 7.268.507; Select Varieties or Cottage Cheese Meat, 15.6188 oz Select Varieties, 24 o7 Select Varieties SE) ST) SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 thi rough Prices and items are effective at your local Fry's store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 27, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP |. SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

Latest weekly ads

MORE WAYS TO SAVE 2234_FFAUC FRESH FOR ererones , Manzdhas Swee ~ ~ > y y 3 Tango 0 Envy ——=) With Card Seedless Mandarins Z 3 Ib Bag Mandarinas sin a ‘ ¥ Semillas_ v r Medio Lomo de , 7 2 Cerdo sin Hueso 0 Solomillo de Cerdo ‘Cate Molida de Res Fresca 80% Magra - ae eel y V9 ny jal ; ee 947 darn eae topos j } St, I : Fresh Boneless Pork ae : Half Loin or Pork : , Cocidos i / Tenderloin Extra Ce Natural or Hormel Marinated ‘When You Buy 4 oh Pork Loins, 1.5 lb, $5.99, , Sold Whole in Bag s : we . = epee 9413 02 oF Fritos,9.25-10 o7 Cc =3 OC or Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz; > y 26-30 ct, Sold In a ec ates = 2 lb Bag for $15.98 Wien you buy 4 or more in ie same transaction with Cord. Quotes less than 1 " 4 will be up to $4.99 each With Card 12 ct K-Cups or Swiss Miss Cocoa Mix or Café Escapes, 10-12 ct K-Cups; Select Varieties Fin 8 Ee AAD ~Y 9 WA table - EF With Card* : ra Dulces de Halloween, Tamano'Grande o Ga) eae SI- ia , Fun With Card , 7 y, G er Hershey's Jumbo Size or Coca-Cola, Pepsi Ls ), Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size a =e Halloween Candy or 7UP 4 a Select Varieties, 15.21.35 o7 Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 fl.oz Cans When you buy 3 or more inthe same ransacton with *Portepating item selection may vary by stor. tems must be purchased in the same ransation or 8-Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles Cord. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. with Card. Discount applied at checkout on the tem of equal or lesser value with Card. geile, 3 ‘Agua Mineral con z aa ‘Alcohol o.Cerveza ail eid oa 25% OFF ms 16.99 bers AT aie stolg < “T° eee aks a te | Oe >t ay ru it law hoe cee SelectVarieties, 12-Pack. 12 og Bottles or Cans Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for in one transaction with Card. these tags. W | ils H D | G | TA L (ee) 0] PO iN iS “When you buy participating items in the same transactic DT keer oy Participating item varieties and es Butter, Josh *See inside for details. Vinos Cellars or Korbel’ ap Select Varieties, 750 ml wit 3/86 Siu DIGITAL COUPON OFFER a 2) (= DIGITAL COUPON OFFER >| 79 JEA* Salsa para Pasta Post Cereal == Prego or Prego Plus orto Sassen) 18x oes Pasta Sauce A/S5 Uy (Excludes Alfredo) 2.49 wi a 4 Card DIGITAL COUPON OFFER oan off a DICT cas geages mom cowok Se 14 . jema Agra. aD) GS yy ) 99 oq, A Saee sour VT | JEA* Kraft Macaroni om /EA* \ eee and Cheese Doritos 6-10.75 oz or Ruffles, -_ Kroger Sour Cream Saughetios ginal or Wath 7.268.507; Select Varieties or Cottage Cheese Meat, 15.6188 oz Select Varieties, 24 o7 Select Varieties SE) ST) SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 thi rough Prices and items are effective at your local Fry's store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 27, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP |. SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

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