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Current weekly ad Food Depot - Valid from 09/12 to 09/18 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Food Depot 09/12/2022 - 09/18/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Pg ‘ BOTs nySizePackage USDA Inspected We 16 07. 40-50 ct. Fresh Lean == os USDA Selec Beef Today’sCut » Sea Best Ground = Be : T-Bone Back Se: Shell-On Beef : Steak G Rib ~ 4h Shrimp ~ Carne mide de ts p USDA. inspeccionade| * L % conithas = Camaton 20 ex: < 27 oz. Hot or Mild [! r aa oa cs! TRICK Sliced é Land 0° frost Bhs] Swaggertys Ree sq, (MD Sussetarm” ee lam or Farm Py Classic or Beer Premium ad Chopped Ham Turkey atts Sausage a Bar-S =p Smoked Oscar Mayer Sub Kit ssussce fy Patties Sate Bratwurst <<a Bacon Lunch Meat ey =: i cad Cases fas Hamburyasas de salcricha. Salchidha. bata iene dhamade Caines fag LEV gist eo Ss y 3 lb. Bag 4 Pack Gold Collard Salad 4 Apples Sprouts Tomatoes 30002. 15 02 a 9.5-13 02 Senet s a Wish-Bone 10-1102. 2 Chips Ahoy! ~ Salad Tostitos oS Cookies sauens Haji Dressing a Ey, -—m ron. ne aa Hunt's Assorted Varieties oe. z 02. 4602. Pasta Bush’s Best Hamburger v8 Sauce Beans eee : sane Juice Bon. 56-675 ot. Liquid 12 Rolls 4 Big Rolls Palmolive Xtra 2X Fiora Tackle Dish Liquid Detergent Bath Tissue a Paper Towels 7-8 oz. 56 oz. 5902. Shreds or Chunks Mayfield 27.5-31.5 02. Growers’ Pride Kraft Classic DiGiorno Orange Juice Cheese Ice Cream ; Pizza 13.4-14.6 02. 4-6 02. Cups 5202. Banquet Yoplait war) Swat? Planet Oat Mega Meats Yogurt OAT |) OAT. Oatmilk Meals WE SELL Store Hoong GROCERIES * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES Open 7 am til 10 pm for your nearest store location EVERYDAY! I STORE HOURS ARE MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Presriss | PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 18, 2022. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL OR PICTORIAL ERRORS. Se Watch Your Savings

Latest weekly ads

Pg ‘ BOTs nySizePackage USDA Inspected We 16 07. 40-50 ct. Fresh Lean == os USDA Selec Beef Today’sCut » Sea Best Ground = Be : T-Bone Back Se: Shell-On Beef : Steak G Rib ~ 4h Shrimp ~ Carne mide de ts p USDA. inspeccionade| * L % conithas = Camaton 20 ex: < 27 oz. Hot or Mild [! r aa oa cs! TRICK Sliced é Land 0° frost Bhs] Swaggertys Ree sq, (MD Sussetarm” ee lam or Farm Py Classic or Beer Premium ad Chopped Ham Turkey atts Sausage a Bar-S =p Smoked Oscar Mayer Sub Kit ssussce fy Patties Sate Bratwurst <<a Bacon Lunch Meat ey =: i cad Cases fas Hamburyasas de salcricha. Salchidha. bata iene dhamade Caines fag LEV gist eo Ss y 3 lb. Bag 4 Pack Gold Collard Salad 4 Apples Sprouts Tomatoes 30002. 15 02 a 9.5-13 02 Senet s a Wish-Bone 10-1102. 2 Chips Ahoy! ~ Salad Tostitos oS Cookies sauens Haji Dressing a Ey, -—m ron. ne aa Hunt's Assorted Varieties oe. z 02. 4602. Pasta Bush’s Best Hamburger v8 Sauce Beans eee : sane Juice Bon. 56-675 ot. Liquid 12 Rolls 4 Big Rolls Palmolive Xtra 2X Fiora Tackle Dish Liquid Detergent Bath Tissue a Paper Towels 7-8 oz. 56 oz. 5902. Shreds or Chunks Mayfield 27.5-31.5 02. Growers’ Pride Kraft Classic DiGiorno Orange Juice Cheese Ice Cream ; Pizza 13.4-14.6 02. 4-6 02. Cups 5202. Banquet Yoplait war) Swat? Planet Oat Mega Meats Yogurt OAT |) OAT. Oatmilk Meals WE SELL Store Hoong GROCERIES * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES Open 7 am til 10 pm for your nearest store location EVERYDAY! I STORE HOURS ARE MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Presriss | PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 18, 2022. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL OR PICTORIAL ERRORS. Se Watch Your Savings

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