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Current weekly ad Food City - Valid from 01/15 to 01/21 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Food City 01/15/2025 - 01/21/2025


Products in this weekly ad

FRESH PRODUCE STRAIGHT = FARM Fresh / Cucumbers | Each Green Cabbage Fresh, Per Lb. Shortcuts STARTING AT Shortcuts Shortcuts Shortcuts STARTING AT Exotic Stew Mirepoix or 99 Over or Grill 4 Bowls 49 Js ee Trinity Mix x 42 Ready Pans a as 9 er Lb. er . A Basket & Bushel Pre-Cut aera (10-12 0z.), Fresh Express MOR Caesar or Lite Caesar Kit (9.8 02.) or NatureSweet Cherubs (10 02.) ane When you buy 3iin the: Lesser ‘ocoupon. i soles to, bonis Pick Well ote : x Now ore at with Doordash for participating Food City loc dalories teal eractie te biokaletecreione Prices through DoorDash delivery wil iter om in-store prices” “NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. “3 DOORDASH @ “A> 9 ie Fa T Each POWERFUL PRODUCTS | POWERFUL SAVINGS REWARD Disthit ease) Cae fata) Visit (elatecPe eR cola MT acl Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Cascade Dawn Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Platinum Plus Powerwash 99 Mr. Clean Ultra Mr. Clean Action Pacs 549 Dish Spray 4 Magic Erasers 599 Clean Freak 599 ay wibes 1607, whe 3¢p ween 1607 reehcind — =p 35S eee Aatities ) way nag i eel Selected Varieties Swiffer Swiffer Selected Varieties Selected Varieties, Twin Pack ¢ Power Mop Sweeper Febreze Febreze ¢ Starter Kit 2 929 Starter Kit 14°29 Small Spaces 599 Air Freshener 549 tose wancart Bac wert See wean 8802 etn and

Latest weekly ads

FRESH PRODUCE STRAIGHT = FARM Fresh / Cucumbers | Each Green Cabbage Fresh, Per Lb. Shortcuts STARTING AT Shortcuts Shortcuts Shortcuts STARTING AT Exotic Stew Mirepoix or 99 Over or Grill 4 Bowls 49 Js ee Trinity Mix x 42 Ready Pans a as 9 er Lb. er . A Basket & Bushel Pre-Cut aera (10-12 0z.), Fresh Express MOR Caesar or Lite Caesar Kit (9.8 02.) or NatureSweet Cherubs (10 02.) ane When you buy 3iin the: Lesser ‘ocoupon. i soles to, bonis Pick Well ote : x Now ore at with Doordash for participating Food City loc dalories teal eractie te biokaletecreione Prices through DoorDash delivery wil iter om in-store prices” “NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. “3 DOORDASH @ “A> 9 ie Fa T Each POWERFUL PRODUCTS | POWERFUL SAVINGS REWARD Disthit ease) Cae fata) Visit (elatecPe eR cola MT acl Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Cascade Dawn Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Platinum Plus Powerwash 99 Mr. Clean Ultra Mr. Clean Action Pacs 549 Dish Spray 4 Magic Erasers 599 Clean Freak 599 ay wibes 1607, whe 3¢p ween 1607 reehcind — =p 35S eee Aatities ) way nag i eel Selected Varieties Swiffer Swiffer Selected Varieties Selected Varieties, Twin Pack ¢ Power Mop Sweeper Febreze Febreze ¢ Starter Kit 2 929 Starter Kit 14°29 Small Spaces 599 Air Freshener 549 tose wancart Bac wert See wean 8802 etn and

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