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Current weekly ad CTown - Valid from 12/06 to 12/12 - Page nb 3


Weekly ad CTown 12/06/2024 - 12/12/2024


Products in this weekly ad

La | 7 8&8 9 10 11 12 ais ‘CENTER ( Family Pack Golden Ripe, Sie 6/7 fe a ay I= F PoRke ec alee eet EXTRALARGE Meese ¢ = ¢ PINEAPPLES ees : Wee «£ SHADY BROOK : FARMS ti’ ; i ’ GROUND TURKEY & 16.02, Phe 3 iw Norcent ih ecember 6th - December 26th GET $5 WHEN YOU PURCHASE $20 OF PARTICIPATING D: PRODUCTS WITH YOUR PREFERRED SHOPPER CARD Lda, She” “Unt en pay seer ‘ivchilke bares nh. Holiday shopping spree!* gi" UNWTIG® eusteo GD? TASTIEZ Oni —* es WWW.CTOWNSUPERMARKETS.COM Bx —- yYogut [layogurt | Dorit | Domino " reli * dor & pits y | | aD | —— | —— evola oe Grandad Coden (5 po Vegetable Pies, LA YOGURT : DOMINO (4 MAZOLA ‘OGURT SUGAR =p : CORN OIL 6 02. CUPS 4B. BAG = a a Pinas ed ei Asean Sige (202 | om ro pe iS rae nae Lie 3 Of BORDEN ssorted Varieties Enriched, Long Grain ¥; KRASDALE RICE PIZZA FOR ONE Cavatelli; Large or Mini Round One x BRA SCN VILLAGE j Gorse Broad (20 0x Phe red ee Tamates. of [i Pern - \ FURLA PUNCH * Sige Nace mo FLOUR GARLIC TOAST 7 AGAL BTL TS all 88.46 OZ BOXES le el r4e SG Persea ol <0) Foro ton SESwe. -S icine Eo enon os i me Fre erat oe Se OL enoa gemenemascgteemenen lumt Is; n Ready or jareties: (HR Oe) Apple Jacks (13.2 Potatoes) Naturals Cut or | NZ FRANCESCO ines MO" SA LY RINALDI KELLOGG’S 99 ii: GNA PASTA SAUCE CORN FLAKES LASAGN) PASTA. CORN CORN. ews ; COTTONELLE 25 SOTONELE la SAN MEGA ROLL” DETERGENT TISSUE Neer G6 ROLL PKG. ried Varieties Scollay "SCENT BOOSTER BROGRE +4000 Tissue we £9 Et oe eer oF i ‘Fanta, Barq's, Minute CLASSICS MEGA ROLL ANGE. press Son Go) TOWELS PODS COCA-COLA ioisoz cis MMI FoR WH croup, BY ssiocre ome 2s ane, van ean cron 8 ‘| Beverage depots no apes mS anew ned B.A. ew a to srs ih ems © Apna Meanie Al irene Repeat thou he egress nin canto Ap {Maren sey reed. ‘Sole eon testo 3 er fanny untae edmermse noted, ems & prices efectve nhs store ony. Prices Effective Fri, Doe. © thru Thure, Des, 12° 20248, Urban Basle. vane

Latest weekly ads

La | 7 8&8 9 10 11 12 ais ‘CENTER ( Family Pack Golden Ripe, Sie 6/7 fe a ay I= F PoRke ec alee eet EXTRALARGE Meese ¢ = ¢ PINEAPPLES ees : Wee «£ SHADY BROOK : FARMS ti’ ; i ’ GROUND TURKEY & 16.02, Phe 3 iw Norcent ih ecember 6th - December 26th GET $5 WHEN YOU PURCHASE $20 OF PARTICIPATING D: PRODUCTS WITH YOUR PREFERRED SHOPPER CARD Lda, She” “Unt en pay seer ‘ivchilke bares nh. Holiday shopping spree!* gi" UNWTIG® eusteo GD? TASTIEZ Oni —* es WWW.CTOWNSUPERMARKETS.COM Bx —- yYogut [layogurt | Dorit | Domino " reli * dor & pits y | | aD | —— | —— evola oe Grandad Coden (5 po Vegetable Pies, LA YOGURT : DOMINO (4 MAZOLA ‘OGURT SUGAR =p : CORN OIL 6 02. CUPS 4B. BAG = a a Pinas ed ei Asean Sige (202 | om ro pe iS rae nae Lie 3 Of BORDEN ssorted Varieties Enriched, Long Grain ¥; KRASDALE RICE PIZZA FOR ONE Cavatelli; Large or Mini Round One x BRA SCN VILLAGE j Gorse Broad (20 0x Phe red ee Tamates. of [i Pern - \ FURLA PUNCH * Sige Nace mo FLOUR GARLIC TOAST 7 AGAL BTL TS all 88.46 OZ BOXES le el r4e SG Persea ol <0) Foro ton SESwe. -S icine Eo enon os i me Fre erat oe Se OL enoa gemenemascgteemenen lumt Is; n Ready or jareties: (HR Oe) Apple Jacks (13.2 Potatoes) Naturals Cut or | NZ FRANCESCO ines MO" SA LY RINALDI KELLOGG’S 99 ii: GNA PASTA SAUCE CORN FLAKES LASAGN) PASTA. CORN CORN. ews ; COTTONELLE 25 SOTONELE la SAN MEGA ROLL” DETERGENT TISSUE Neer G6 ROLL PKG. ried Varieties Scollay "SCENT BOOSTER BROGRE +4000 Tissue we £9 Et oe eer oF i ‘Fanta, Barq's, Minute CLASSICS MEGA ROLL ANGE. press Son Go) TOWELS PODS COCA-COLA ioisoz cis MMI FoR WH croup, BY ssiocre ome 2s ane, van ean cron 8 ‘| Beverage depots no apes mS anew ned B.A. ew a to srs ih ems © Apna Meanie Al irene Repeat thou he egress nin canto Ap {Maren sey reed. ‘Sole eon testo 3 er fanny untae edmermse noted, ems & prices efectve nhs store ony. Prices Effective Fri, Doe. © thru Thure, Des, 12° 20248, Urban Basle. vane

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