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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 09/29 to 10/05 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 09/29/2022 - 10/05/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SEAFOOD OUrH WAEERING MEATS 30-40 ct. Frozen Gi Sea Scallops $10.9 >, Cooked & Scored Lobster Claws & ‘Arms y Sliced een $6.48) 16 oz. m Perdue ‘\ oe y Reserve te Whole young Chicken Snow Crab Clusters $12.98 Pasteurized | Bone-In Pork sai Classic or Gril a ; Center Cut Chops ” Beef & Pork Franks ie a Special Crabmeat $ 2. 8 $ 6. 9: 98) 2/$7 $17.98. 4! ai 1607. & family pate Ib. te 60 oz. 2 oz. Sete ee 16-20 ct. Raw Mushrooms Domestic Shrimp “te ™ Philly $14, F8u ae: Bone-In Pork Grade A, Bone-in 7m jected Flat Pork & Split Chicken Breast * Homestyle 21-25 ct Raw - Spare Ribs $ = Beef Patties Domestic Shrimp 4 $ 1 98 $12.98 oy °2.9 7 1 2.98 ~ 4 / family pack, Ib. 1 1602. bagorSold Loose’ Ib €_ g Ne mag family pack, Ib. No Solution or Broth Added | “ijl 32 07. eet Deli Sliced ED Era 5 7 “Deli Sliced" “= INE MINE) “Deli Sliced" yy "Deli Sliced", gee "Deli Sliced" RED German Brand”, } Imported Brand 9 ‘Oe Siena Regular = Cooked Ham ANP a: Lebanon Boor “ 3 $7.98 S ad ie retsc! a Plain or Garlic © Fy Mr sen Ff Ring SEs a "Sliced Fresh’ ie "Sliced roe ‘ Chery wood Sg Tea Cooked " moked Ham ante Be $7.98 98 $1119 (98 whole s5e L804 $3. 98 5" 7S aa: snes 0 ADs i "PREPARED FOODS Creamy %: @ } Cole Slaw. < a riz PAG. 4 Oba d phe Bea chet nei Se : otisecte or Fried ‘é oon | ! oe Made Fresh in Our Deli! Pky ¥ Chicken Combo “ 7 = Spaghetti & Meatbals * Grilled Chicken gis ’ y, with Sauce =_ Garden Salad Saas Contains Drums & Thighs ‘Aegis, Baltimore Sun, Ceci Whig, Susquehanna Press, Valassis Chestertown, Valassis Delaware 102 ‘Redners_V2_P2_09292022

Latest weekly ads

SEAFOOD OUrH WAEERING MEATS 30-40 ct. Frozen Gi Sea Scallops $10.9 >, Cooked & Scored Lobster Claws & ‘Arms y Sliced een $6.48) 16 oz. m Perdue ‘\ oe y Reserve te Whole young Chicken Snow Crab Clusters $12.98 Pasteurized | Bone-In Pork sai Classic or Gril a ; Center Cut Chops ” Beef & Pork Franks ie a Special Crabmeat $ 2. 8 $ 6. 9: 98) 2/$7 $17.98. 4! ai 1607. & family pate Ib. te 60 oz. 2 oz. Sete ee 16-20 ct. Raw Mushrooms Domestic Shrimp “te ™ Philly $14, F8u ae: Bone-In Pork Grade A, Bone-in 7m jected Flat Pork & Split Chicken Breast * Homestyle 21-25 ct Raw - Spare Ribs $ = Beef Patties Domestic Shrimp 4 $ 1 98 $12.98 oy °2.9 7 1 2.98 ~ 4 / family pack, Ib. 1 1602. bagorSold Loose’ Ib €_ g Ne mag family pack, Ib. No Solution or Broth Added | “ijl 32 07. eet Deli Sliced ED Era 5 7 “Deli Sliced" “= INE MINE) “Deli Sliced" yy "Deli Sliced", gee "Deli Sliced" RED German Brand”, } Imported Brand 9 ‘Oe Siena Regular = Cooked Ham ANP a: Lebanon Boor “ 3 $7.98 S ad ie retsc! a Plain or Garlic © Fy Mr sen Ff Ring SEs a "Sliced Fresh’ ie "Sliced roe ‘ Chery wood Sg Tea Cooked " moked Ham ante Be $7.98 98 $1119 (98 whole s5e L804 $3. 98 5" 7S aa: snes 0 ADs i "PREPARED FOODS Creamy %: @ } Cole Slaw. < a riz PAG. 4 Oba d phe Bea chet nei Se : otisecte or Fried ‘é oon | ! oe Made Fresh in Our Deli! Pky ¥ Chicken Combo “ 7 = Spaghetti & Meatbals * Grilled Chicken gis ’ y, with Sauce =_ Garden Salad Saas Contains Drums & Thighs ‘Aegis, Baltimore Sun, Ceci Whig, Susquehanna Press, Valassis Chestertown, Valassis Delaware 102 ‘Redners_V2_P2_09292022

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