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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 09/29 to 10/05 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 09/29/2022 - 10/05/2022


Products in this weekly ad

REDNER’S ton ata ees eu eee ue online & have your groceries delivered to your vehicle. Or Cures Scan to Find a Redner’s Ready Location Near You! = Scan the QR code or Text ESE a RednersJobs to 25000 ee to get an Interview ToDAY! [aj aoe Giorgio ~~ Sliced White Mushrooms A OS NER‘S No: 9) 80% Lean ® (Ground Beef $384 family pack, Ib. Ground Fresh Daily £3199, me = Tide 46-50 fl.oz. Pads ‘af or 15-20 ct. Pods %f} Clover Farms. Laundry Detelgent| ON Thomas’ ne E é. 99 es English Muffins = Exclusions Apply —— | 6 pk. SCRANTON STORE'S PENNSIDE STORE'S HOURS: 7A.M. ~ 10 P.M. © ©) STORE HOURS: 6 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY! (-) HOURS: 7A.M. ~ 9 P.M. 104-106-107-108-111-19-115, edners_v2_S1_ 09292022 | GT 12 oz. Lobster Mac & Cheese Included edners_vi_$4__09292022 apes E Purex Laundry Detergent Hatfield Sa Ps 01 $9.99 Heat Franks * withRedner's 6575 tioz.or Que Sq. 93" Mobile App Offer! 22.01 29 ct. pods ha e' 5,49 WITHOUT APP 16 02. j [7 SAVE ‘ Heritage f Hippey's Premium Burgers ° (aie Fans ics sey moked Sa ros withRedners $QIQQM™ SPB 255g MEN) wit e 11.98 WITHOUT APP ¢ 12-1407. 16 02. 4%) save w] fama Lu ira Italian, Homestyle or Boot I A Fully Cooked eee i" Naked Drinks 4 Meatballs ausage Grillers : fs with Redner's 2/811. 56 2/5113 211 ee 2. 6: Mobile App Offer! Sn. se Soames 90. Se 2/°16.56 WITHOUT APP

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REDNER’S ton ata ees eu eee ue online & have your groceries delivered to your vehicle. Or Cures Scan to Find a Redner’s Ready Location Near You! = Scan the QR code or Text ESE a RednersJobs to 25000 ee to get an Interview ToDAY! [aj aoe Giorgio ~~ Sliced White Mushrooms A OS NER‘S No: 9) 80% Lean ® (Ground Beef $384 family pack, Ib. Ground Fresh Daily £3199, me = Tide 46-50 fl.oz. Pads ‘af or 15-20 ct. Pods %f} Clover Farms. Laundry Detelgent| ON Thomas’ ne E é. 99 es English Muffins = Exclusions Apply —— | 6 pk. SCRANTON STORE'S PENNSIDE STORE'S HOURS: 7A.M. ~ 10 P.M. © ©) STORE HOURS: 6 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY! (-) HOURS: 7A.M. ~ 9 P.M. 104-106-107-108-111-19-115, edners_v2_S1_ 09292022 | GT 12 oz. Lobster Mac & Cheese Included edners_vi_$4__09292022 apes E Purex Laundry Detergent Hatfield Sa Ps 01 $9.99 Heat Franks * withRedner's 6575 tioz.or Que Sq. 93" Mobile App Offer! 22.01 29 ct. pods ha e' 5,49 WITHOUT APP 16 02. j [7 SAVE ‘ Heritage f Hippey's Premium Burgers ° (aie Fans ics sey moked Sa ros withRedners $QIQQM™ SPB 255g MEN) wit e 11.98 WITHOUT APP ¢ 12-1407. 16 02. 4%) save w] fama Lu ira Italian, Homestyle or Boot I A Fully Cooked eee i" Naked Drinks 4 Meatballs ausage Grillers : fs with Redner's 2/811. 56 2/5113 211 ee 2. 6: Mobile App Offer! Sn. se Soames 90. Se 2/°16.56 WITHOUT APP

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