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Current weekly ad Discount Drug Mart - Valid from 02/15 to 02/21 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Discount Drug Mart 02/15/2023 - 02/21/2023


Products in this weekly ad

itamins & Supplements Assorted Types. bee BUY ONE GET ONE a » MYT aa Nature's Truth rug OTTO7 Ay (= w= 2 CY peer vw | mar 21st Century fy, yr’ Vitamins, Herbals & Health Supplements ale ELE ae otto SA raf erate Cr Iescer Valse BOT I Types Sizes ANEMPLOYEE [FaO@@y Price Willing at Register. ONE aan pelea inn Ne vA = Aromatherapy ‘Your Choice GET Be etd =] Assorted Scents 5 Re |5mi Oil ONE ene 7 DAY SALE | weo "6 FRI | SAT | SUN | MON | TUES Re ; ee Soe for price Will Ring at Register: FEBRUARY 2023 15 16|17 18 19 20 21 ae Ean a roms) Zyrtec | Faves Bayer 24Hr. Allergy Relief |’ yo: Alka- @: a 26ct.-30ct. oe, Seltzer @ Heartburn ‘co Og HANDS r SS (eal eae “ 4 ¢One A Day : iva eae | save up to2.92 ¢MiraLAX : O'Keeffe’s Lubriderm Hard Working Skincare | Dermatologist Developed ‘U by Kot fa . *. —- All Oth AS - a Ty otex All Types and Sizes Skin Lotion ERS] Zyrtec Sra | ‘Sizes | Cleanwear, Liners or Maxi Pads BUY Assorted Types 160z Products Winn Match Assorted Types ONE GET ot equal or ee 0 lesser value. . sir GET of equal or 1188 for Price Will Ring at Register. Your ‘Save up Price Wa Fing at pict. | TEES lesser value. on2 Save up 19600 0n2 Choice waa Se teeconas one Price Wil ing at Register, /SBWUPLOSHON2 o Buy $20 in ABSORBINE ThermaCare eRevion ( , 5 JR. Plus Assorted Types Dr. Teal’s Ultra Strength e Al ebodycology Pain Patch may = ict. , ==| eCalgon o al Cosmetics, ‘oy and Recieve a ‘0200 Hair Color FREE $5.00 ABSORBINE & Beauty Tools Discount — tixor Save soe ENS ase Drug Mart ““" a) ABSORBINE “Mero Patch 60ct Gift Card js JR. Plus ‘Your Choice nines Instantly 7 Low Prizes. at Checkout! Price Will Ring at Register. __ See Store for Details = doz. aS ay scoters ech namtcen Assorted Types | | SRO) > 4 Photo tort Gel I © Phot eViva Aint Noses Ne Multi-Surface a"x6' 6"x8' 8” x 10’ Paper Towels 6-Pack Big Rolls *Cottonelle es Height a (Poms! ig) Flushable =sPRO] 2 a ge Wipes icsct. (Points: <s TEN a ae) Bie « Chart Rh) Getta cg Bienen I Otis Banners * er f a3) nig PN ey) 8"x axa” | eas for 5 Fi Avaable at BE) SAVE $4 with code DDM on Most Locations GI GEE 1897 |] 7g ey Ee 5 Seer > - . es asad Jiffy Ta } 7A Professional 5 Jiffy American Seeds Jiffy Jiffy-Pots Jiffy-Pots Green House Peat Pellets Vegetable, Herbs and Flowers| Seed Starter Mix 3 Inch 10ct. 2 Inch 26ct. 50 Count 25ct. sane5 for 10 save save 8 a9 save | Quart 1.50 1.00 50¢ 2.00 1.00 Gain ° Liquid Detergent 9202. Our weekly ad delivered directly to your inbox To sign up, eee Scan QR code or visit: ee eee OR Duracell Batteries AA or AAA 4pk. 14.802. Xtra Liquid ¢ flings! ssct. Laundry Detergent ‘Your Choice 560z.-67.50z. ‘Your f or Choice ae for for Save up to 4.98 on 2 Buy2 Save up to7.08 on 2 Save 2.98 on 2 DIS-AKRON ‘We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. __e-Savings offers are limited to manufacturer's availability AKA

Latest weekly ads

itamins & Supplements Assorted Types. bee BUY ONE GET ONE a » MYT aa Nature's Truth rug OTTO7 Ay (= w= 2 CY peer vw | mar 21st Century fy, yr’ Vitamins, Herbals & Health Supplements ale ELE ae otto SA raf erate Cr Iescer Valse BOT I Types Sizes ANEMPLOYEE [FaO@@y Price Willing at Register. ONE aan pelea inn Ne vA = Aromatherapy ‘Your Choice GET Be etd =] Assorted Scents 5 Re |5mi Oil ONE ene 7 DAY SALE | weo "6 FRI | SAT | SUN | MON | TUES Re ; ee Soe for price Will Ring at Register: FEBRUARY 2023 15 16|17 18 19 20 21 ae Ean a roms) Zyrtec | Faves Bayer 24Hr. Allergy Relief |’ yo: Alka- @: a 26ct.-30ct. oe, Seltzer @ Heartburn ‘co Og HANDS r SS (eal eae “ 4 ¢One A Day : iva eae | save up to2.92 ¢MiraLAX : O'Keeffe’s Lubriderm Hard Working Skincare | Dermatologist Developed ‘U by Kot fa . *. —- All Oth AS - a Ty otex All Types and Sizes Skin Lotion ERS] Zyrtec Sra | ‘Sizes | Cleanwear, Liners or Maxi Pads BUY Assorted Types 160z Products Winn Match Assorted Types ONE GET ot equal or ee 0 lesser value. . sir GET of equal or 1188 for Price Will Ring at Register. Your ‘Save up Price Wa Fing at pict. | TEES lesser value. on2 Save up 19600 0n2 Choice waa Se teeconas one Price Wil ing at Register, /SBWUPLOSHON2 o Buy $20 in ABSORBINE ThermaCare eRevion ( , 5 JR. Plus Assorted Types Dr. Teal’s Ultra Strength e Al ebodycology Pain Patch may = ict. , ==| eCalgon o al Cosmetics, ‘oy and Recieve a ‘0200 Hair Color FREE $5.00 ABSORBINE & Beauty Tools Discount — tixor Save soe ENS ase Drug Mart ““" a) ABSORBINE “Mero Patch 60ct Gift Card js JR. Plus ‘Your Choice nines Instantly 7 Low Prizes. at Checkout! Price Will Ring at Register. __ See Store for Details = doz. aS ay scoters ech namtcen Assorted Types | | SRO) > 4 Photo tort Gel I © Phot eViva Aint Noses Ne Multi-Surface a"x6' 6"x8' 8” x 10’ Paper Towels 6-Pack Big Rolls *Cottonelle es Height a (Poms! ig) Flushable =sPRO] 2 a ge Wipes icsct. (Points: <s TEN a ae) Bie « Chart Rh) Getta cg Bienen I Otis Banners * er f a3) nig PN ey) 8"x axa” | eas for 5 Fi Avaable at BE) SAVE $4 with code DDM on Most Locations GI GEE 1897 |] 7g ey Ee 5 Seer > - . es asad Jiffy Ta } 7A Professional 5 Jiffy American Seeds Jiffy Jiffy-Pots Jiffy-Pots Green House Peat Pellets Vegetable, Herbs and Flowers| Seed Starter Mix 3 Inch 10ct. 2 Inch 26ct. 50 Count 25ct. sane5 for 10 save save 8 a9 save | Quart 1.50 1.00 50¢ 2.00 1.00 Gain ° Liquid Detergent 9202. Our weekly ad delivered directly to your inbox To sign up, eee Scan QR code or visit: ee eee OR Duracell Batteries AA or AAA 4pk. 14.802. Xtra Liquid ¢ flings! ssct. Laundry Detergent ‘Your Choice 560z.-67.50z. ‘Your f or Choice ae for for Save up to 4.98 on 2 Buy2 Save up to7.08 on 2 Save 2.98 on 2 DIS-AKRON ‘We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. __e-Savings offers are limited to manufacturer's availability AKA

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