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Current weekly ad Discount Drug Mart - Valid from 04/05 to 04/11 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Discount Drug Mart 04/05/2023 - 04/11/2023


Products in this weekly ad

SAVINGS DAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH Seniors stop in to save an additional 10° Hershey’s Cs ps Kisses, Assorted Miniatures, Reese’s Miniatures, AN EMPLOYEE vw York Peppermint Patties, OWNERSHIP kt ii ¥ 20 FF Kit Kit Miniatures and More COMPANY a = mas =|? DAY SALE 1 WED|THUR| FRI | SA’ = on TUES ea ial APRIL 2023 5|6/7/|8 10 1 i * Cashew Halves & Pieces Salted or Lightly Salted 80z. Can Mixed Nuts Less Than 50% Peanuts Salted or Lightly Salted 7.3702.- 1202. Choe Bag for Save up to 1.98 on 2 ana Won COWES Co | | Hershey’s 2 : E ; Original wwe Palmer Pleas Candy Bas Trident Gum Teall Garris f | Mivieewameron Solid Rabbit “estimate “ar Gite vom 6 i f F r ° i ons 5.250z. Ghaice ae Save a 3 ba 98¢ on 2 B | a t b = | a | Q ; i 7), Tee hod eg fl / — | | f or | Crayola Crayola Jumbi Plastic Colored Washable Markers lumbe Easter Grass Crayons ‘Assorted Types 8ct. Sidewalk Chalk Easter Eggs payer Super Bright or Rule Playball . ?- 24ct. 00024 #07809, #07808, 407892, #07836 42ct. #20014 6ct. or 12ct. 1.50z. Assorted Colors 9 f Your save - Gui 1 Your 50¢ Save 98¢ on 2 ‘Save 98¢ on 2 Choice Premier Beauty Club Buy $25 and get a FREE $5 Discount Drug Mart Gift Card Instantly at Checkout when you use your sep Drug Mart Courtesy Plus Card to b\ buy this name brand in '’ E25 co — ful Photo Department Specials Proto ee store Photo : "i Panels > pnieveatWasttocions $e 4"x6" 6"x8" a"x10" L.A. Color Polish *Color Craze | + Treatments, Gel, Unicom, Metal & Mermaid — Too Single Sided Photo Book Includes 10 Pages + eal at most etions of equal or lesser value. Price Will Ring at Register. eS a Ba! Nivea ptlask “m+ Body Car ied Products Assorted Types * Body Wash and Sizes | Nivea for Men eJhirmack ¢ Shower silver Plus re 7 ampooor Discount Drug Mart & Soap Ageless Modo Sunglasses or bE Vitamins, Herbals & Palmer’ Ss ‘Your Choice eae Eyecessories Fitovers Health Supplements Body Care, First Aid or Trial BUY ONE GET ONE oz. or Sunclips Sunglasses _ in PP All Types and Sizes BUY ONE GET ONE ee si a E ONE BUY zi GET. Oe ae of equal or ONE GET of equal or 5.49 lesser value. ‘of equal or ‘Our Everyday een ae ONE ices, [E21 WI pon warring at Regine oes eons Price Wil Ring at Register Price Will Ring at Register. Fe tert nee Price Wi ing at Register. _—_~Price Will Ring at Register. Save up to 28.49 on 2 Save up to 10.00 on 2 from most Sun, Apri 2, 2028 newspapers. eats upto. 3.99 0n2 Save we 106.25 | ; ‘Allegra Allergy Relief “Use your money savings coupon from most Sun, Api 2, 2023 newspapers. #12 Hour #24 Hour 30ct 12ct. Hives 30ct. of od tear save upt03.00 70ct. #12 Hour 24ct. Save.00 Save 1.00 24 Hour 24 Hour AMC Theatres Subway my oct. ‘45ct. % = ‘Our Everyday Alleg Low Prices. Variable Gift Cards Not Included rie Price Will Ring at Register. Yes yo be pricing car prs shown above id an ge crates td See ocr tats ters, ots nd abe fees, Gt carts ct sen co-sponsors pronation. Al toes ae peapecies Geners. ‘6217 0223 ‘Save 1.00 ‘Save 2.00 Save up to 6.00 rapery her = We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. —_e-Savings offers are limited to manufacturer's availability DIS-AKRON AKA

Latest weekly ads

SAVINGS DAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH Seniors stop in to save an additional 10° Hershey’s Cs ps Kisses, Assorted Miniatures, Reese’s Miniatures, AN EMPLOYEE vw York Peppermint Patties, OWNERSHIP kt ii ¥ 20 FF Kit Kit Miniatures and More COMPANY a = mas =|? DAY SALE 1 WED|THUR| FRI | SA’ = on TUES ea ial APRIL 2023 5|6/7/|8 10 1 i * Cashew Halves & Pieces Salted or Lightly Salted 80z. Can Mixed Nuts Less Than 50% Peanuts Salted or Lightly Salted 7.3702.- 1202. Choe Bag for Save up to 1.98 on 2 ana Won COWES Co | | Hershey’s 2 : E ; Original wwe Palmer Pleas Candy Bas Trident Gum Teall Garris f | Mivieewameron Solid Rabbit “estimate “ar Gite vom 6 i f F r ° i ons 5.250z. Ghaice ae Save a 3 ba 98¢ on 2 B | a t b = | a | Q ; i 7), Tee hod eg fl / — | | f or | Crayola Crayola Jumbi Plastic Colored Washable Markers lumbe Easter Grass Crayons ‘Assorted Types 8ct. Sidewalk Chalk Easter Eggs payer Super Bright or Rule Playball . ?- 24ct. 00024 #07809, #07808, 407892, #07836 42ct. #20014 6ct. or 12ct. 1.50z. Assorted Colors 9 f Your save - Gui 1 Your 50¢ Save 98¢ on 2 ‘Save 98¢ on 2 Choice Premier Beauty Club Buy $25 and get a FREE $5 Discount Drug Mart Gift Card Instantly at Checkout when you use your sep Drug Mart Courtesy Plus Card to b\ buy this name brand in '’ E25 co — ful Photo Department Specials Proto ee store Photo : "i Panels > pnieveatWasttocions $e 4"x6" 6"x8" a"x10" L.A. Color Polish *Color Craze | + Treatments, Gel, Unicom, Metal & Mermaid — Too Single Sided Photo Book Includes 10 Pages + eal at most etions of equal or lesser value. Price Will Ring at Register. eS a Ba! Nivea ptlask “m+ Body Car ied Products Assorted Types * Body Wash and Sizes | Nivea for Men eJhirmack ¢ Shower silver Plus re 7 ampooor Discount Drug Mart & Soap Ageless Modo Sunglasses or bE Vitamins, Herbals & Palmer’ Ss ‘Your Choice eae Eyecessories Fitovers Health Supplements Body Care, First Aid or Trial BUY ONE GET ONE oz. or Sunclips Sunglasses _ in PP All Types and Sizes BUY ONE GET ONE ee si a E ONE BUY zi GET. Oe ae of equal or ONE GET of equal or 5.49 lesser value. ‘of equal or ‘Our Everyday een ae ONE ices, [E21 WI pon warring at Regine oes eons Price Wil Ring at Register Price Will Ring at Register. Fe tert nee Price Wi ing at Register. _—_~Price Will Ring at Register. Save up to 28.49 on 2 Save up to 10.00 on 2 from most Sun, Apri 2, 2028 newspapers. eats upto. 3.99 0n2 Save we 106.25 | ; ‘Allegra Allergy Relief “Use your money savings coupon from most Sun, Api 2, 2023 newspapers. #12 Hour #24 Hour 30ct 12ct. Hives 30ct. of od tear save upt03.00 70ct. #12 Hour 24ct. Save.00 Save 1.00 24 Hour 24 Hour AMC Theatres Subway my oct. ‘45ct. % = ‘Our Everyday Alleg Low Prices. Variable Gift Cards Not Included rie Price Will Ring at Register. Yes yo be pricing car prs shown above id an ge crates td See ocr tats ters, ots nd abe fees, Gt carts ct sen co-sponsors pronation. Al toes ae peapecies Geners. ‘6217 0223 ‘Save 1.00 ‘Save 2.00 Save up to 6.00 rapery her = We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. —_e-Savings offers are limited to manufacturer's availability DIS-AKRON AKA

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