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Current weekly ad Festival Foods - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Festival Foods 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Festival Foods EXCLUSIVES 4 45.99 21.49 |] 1 Angel's Envy Bourbon 750 ml « 25.99 =. 18.99, as @ Crown Royal » Redemption oy Canadian 3 Bourbonor ZS Le ny ferns h a ae eile Male 750 ml assorted varieties SE 750m assorted varieties AMIX& MATCH WE eet eR) 19.66.. {| 29.99 4 j 10.99 8.99 @) ="as Tito's Kendall- Bogle Southern Handmade = Jackson Wines E Comfort Vodka Py) * Vintner's es fe —_ = Reserve V Wines 7.49. 35 5.99 17.99 . 9.99 stmt 1 Mr&MrsT . ===. - Mom Water I gan * Carbliss =") Fleischmann's [> Bloody ie .., Ready-to- 5.5 D> Ready-to- [| Vodka Mary Mix ~~ _ Drink Ye 5. = fan gov Drink _ “ aaa — Cocktails Se Cocktails Bs 8 pack, 1202 variety pack [ae sm pack, 1202. = sorted var tet ay 19-99 713.99. <=: 19.99 —@9.49.. | when you buy 2 oF $16.99 cach i Coon ‘ E Miller Lite 27, Say Coorsor = yy F| Michelob Bud or r MGD - ) Coors Ligh lite mor! 1202.c0ns ea Bud Light Cong £ eon ight 3§ wie) Ultra ae . i etter She Rich 2 4 12 pack, 120. cans or bottles me ” ONE) ALLER UTE of 7, 49.. = 9.49 @~10.99 ue 8 .99 Sale Pabst Blue. a Miller Guinness ae £2 rebel Hard ka, Ribbon me Nt High Life Draught eS Coffee 12 pack, 12.02. cans a ote : orton wil Stout or 7 ie 7 Apek Spe suis Smithwick's Red Ale 8 pack, 14:9 02. cans sane 12 pack, 11.2 02. bottles 15 99 « 13.99 Mid New Belgium fi a Founders ae Topo Chico Se when you buy 2 at $7.99 each ree Hard Seltzer = | Smirnoff Brewing "4 Brewing Co. Rey Spiked i= Ice Craft Beer Craft Beer Sag ¢ Sparkling 6 pack, 112.02 bottles BHM? sc 1200 bates orcs "Sec 2c Water assorted varieties 12 pack, 12 0z. slim pecs perl 16.99 . PRESS Py Premium || Seltzer - 11.99 NUTRL ~ Ready- to-Drink ’ Cocktails 8 pack, 1202 slim cans + assorted varieties

Latest weekly ads

Festival Foods EXCLUSIVES 4 45.99 21.49 |] 1 Angel's Envy Bourbon 750 ml « 25.99 =. 18.99, as @ Crown Royal » Redemption oy Canadian 3 Bourbonor ZS Le ny ferns h a ae eile Male 750 ml assorted varieties SE 750m assorted varieties AMIX& MATCH WE eet eR) 19.66.. {| 29.99 4 j 10.99 8.99 @) ="as Tito's Kendall- Bogle Southern Handmade = Jackson Wines E Comfort Vodka Py) * Vintner's es fe —_ = Reserve V Wines 7.49. 35 5.99 17.99 . 9.99 stmt 1 Mr&MrsT . ===. - Mom Water I gan * Carbliss =") Fleischmann's [> Bloody ie .., Ready-to- 5.5 D> Ready-to- [| Vodka Mary Mix ~~ _ Drink Ye 5. = fan gov Drink _ “ aaa — Cocktails Se Cocktails Bs 8 pack, 1202 variety pack [ae sm pack, 1202. = sorted var tet ay 19-99 713.99. <=: 19.99 —@9.49.. | when you buy 2 oF $16.99 cach i Coon ‘ E Miller Lite 27, Say Coorsor = yy F| Michelob Bud or r MGD - ) Coors Ligh lite mor! 1202.c0ns ea Bud Light Cong £ eon ight 3§ wie) Ultra ae . i etter She Rich 2 4 12 pack, 120. cans or bottles me ” ONE) ALLER UTE of 7, 49.. = 9.49 @~10.99 ue 8 .99 Sale Pabst Blue. a Miller Guinness ae £2 rebel Hard ka, Ribbon me Nt High Life Draught eS Coffee 12 pack, 12.02. cans a ote : orton wil Stout or 7 ie 7 Apek Spe suis Smithwick's Red Ale 8 pack, 14:9 02. cans sane 12 pack, 11.2 02. bottles 15 99 « 13.99 Mid New Belgium fi a Founders ae Topo Chico Se when you buy 2 at $7.99 each ree Hard Seltzer = | Smirnoff Brewing "4 Brewing Co. Rey Spiked i= Ice Craft Beer Craft Beer Sag ¢ Sparkling 6 pack, 112.02 bottles BHM? sc 1200 bates orcs "Sec 2c Water assorted varieties 12 pack, 12 0z. slim pecs perl 16.99 . PRESS Py Premium || Seltzer - 11.99 NUTRL ~ Ready- to-Drink ’ Cocktails 8 pack, 1202 slim cans + assorted varieties

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