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Current weekly ad Festival Foods - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Festival Foods 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

CIN LLY aya) ae aT FREEV THOMAS’ ENGUSH MUFFINS (6 count) when you buy ‘ ONE (1) JOHNSONVILLE FULLY COOKED SAUSAGE (20 or.) = $7 Crab or Poe eres Err Ham Steak Certified Angus Beef Sugardale § Chuck 6 Ham ~ Johnsonville Lobster Cakes peris. shoulder " Steak Fully Cooked $5,33/LB. Roast regular Sausage 2. «egular or turkey pates @55 $6 ef 2/510 $4 PER POUND Cooked Perfect tb when you buy 2 oF $6 ech Wild Alaska ie Ground Round Meatballs El Monterey; Sockeye Salmon 3 = Patties 18-32 ox assorted vets Burritos ~ Burgers : set Burger Sox «bruschetta, spinach and eta, stacha and honey tea 2/$3 <e=,2/$3 iifordailey NSS SS Gyttore Ch icken Entrées ri favr ) Chicken Cordon CherMake' Bleu or Kiev Ring Bologna 14x orignal gai else Ba 3 SB/LB, Gee red at Do NEWNS $2 $1 $1 Crispy Fish Tenders $7 Sp Swift Oscar Mayer OH SNAP! Australis Boneless Snack ' Pickles, Carrots i Barramundi Bacon Wrapped Lunchables or Beans . HB 1200 mid tasting white fsb Pork Filets 195-230 -asored ates 175-35 anor ats Soe $3 $4. xe 2/88 “ Breadsticks PER POUND pinhiiree Citterio with Marinara Creamy =. Sm Rollinos écoun.oon Coleslaw =) — Beenie PER POUND PER POUND Amore Mini Babybel Baked Lasagna Real Mashed ae: Peels ‘ Cheese i Potatoes rt ight or Lacey some Dinner a “=, (“9% Swiss Cheese PF arises tit oe Tay with fumourfaor , g Bars Tray with seller bakery case ; Dog or Brat Buns 6 count assorted vats y Cheese and Salt count 2002 a. 3/S$10 5-Bcount 2/S5 gigi 2/85 Yoplait plait TruMoo Sargento Yogurt Bie | Go-Gurt Chocolate Milk Balanced Breaks 4 Gon select varieties S 8 count assorted varieties hatfgallon- whole Pe spack-asvted varieties sence grek and cose ie NEWNS $2 2/S7 we, 3/S4 ge $2 Pillsbury Challenge (= au Kemps Semi Dairy Fresh -) Crescent or Spreadable Butter ‘ Cottage Cheese ‘== American Cinnamon Rolls or or Snack Spreads EN ae eee Oe == Cheese Singles 650 ares count 1200 eu Grands! Biscuits 4 count xiginal crescent; count cinnamon coc grandt select varies $4 54 2/$5 = 2/$7 noosa Imperial Reddi-wip Tillamook Yoghurt Margarine Whipped Topping , ame) Farmstyle A oc oz ase vats Sou 60x -asonedvattis Shredded or Chunk Cheese for assorted varieties Chobani » Bays Rana if Frigo Greek Yogurt English Muffins Family Size Pasta Z String Cheese “pack 4-53 on assorted vate count 200. assorted varieties 2count- regular orlght

Latest weekly ads

CIN LLY aya) ae aT FREEV THOMAS’ ENGUSH MUFFINS (6 count) when you buy ‘ ONE (1) JOHNSONVILLE FULLY COOKED SAUSAGE (20 or.) = $7 Crab or Poe eres Err Ham Steak Certified Angus Beef Sugardale § Chuck 6 Ham ~ Johnsonville Lobster Cakes peris. shoulder " Steak Fully Cooked $5,33/LB. Roast regular Sausage 2. «egular or turkey pates @55 $6 ef 2/510 $4 PER POUND Cooked Perfect tb when you buy 2 oF $6 ech Wild Alaska ie Ground Round Meatballs El Monterey; Sockeye Salmon 3 = Patties 18-32 ox assorted vets Burritos ~ Burgers : set Burger Sox «bruschetta, spinach and eta, stacha and honey tea 2/$3 <e=,2/$3 iifordailey NSS SS Gyttore Ch icken Entrées ri favr ) Chicken Cordon CherMake' Bleu or Kiev Ring Bologna 14x orignal gai else Ba 3 SB/LB, Gee red at Do NEWNS $2 $1 $1 Crispy Fish Tenders $7 Sp Swift Oscar Mayer OH SNAP! Australis Boneless Snack ' Pickles, Carrots i Barramundi Bacon Wrapped Lunchables or Beans . HB 1200 mid tasting white fsb Pork Filets 195-230 -asored ates 175-35 anor ats Soe $3 $4. xe 2/88 “ Breadsticks PER POUND pinhiiree Citterio with Marinara Creamy =. Sm Rollinos écoun.oon Coleslaw =) — Beenie PER POUND PER POUND Amore Mini Babybel Baked Lasagna Real Mashed ae: Peels ‘ Cheese i Potatoes rt ight or Lacey some Dinner a “=, (“9% Swiss Cheese PF arises tit oe Tay with fumourfaor , g Bars Tray with seller bakery case ; Dog or Brat Buns 6 count assorted vats y Cheese and Salt count 2002 a. 3/S$10 5-Bcount 2/S5 gigi 2/85 Yoplait plait TruMoo Sargento Yogurt Bie | Go-Gurt Chocolate Milk Balanced Breaks 4 Gon select varieties S 8 count assorted varieties hatfgallon- whole Pe spack-asvted varieties sence grek and cose ie NEWNS $2 2/S7 we, 3/S4 ge $2 Pillsbury Challenge (= au Kemps Semi Dairy Fresh -) Crescent or Spreadable Butter ‘ Cottage Cheese ‘== American Cinnamon Rolls or or Snack Spreads EN ae eee Oe == Cheese Singles 650 ares count 1200 eu Grands! Biscuits 4 count xiginal crescent; count cinnamon coc grandt select varies $4 54 2/$5 = 2/$7 noosa Imperial Reddi-wip Tillamook Yoghurt Margarine Whipped Topping , ame) Farmstyle A oc oz ase vats Sou 60x -asonedvattis Shredded or Chunk Cheese for assorted varieties Chobani » Bays Rana if Frigo Greek Yogurt English Muffins Family Size Pasta Z String Cheese “pack 4-53 on assorted vate count 200. assorted varieties 2count- regular orlght

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