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Current weekly ad Festival Foods - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Festival Foods 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

$2 2/$7 $4 Titi) Humm milkadamia Gravy Master Arr Kombucha Macadamia Milk Browning & MILK (skim, 1%, 2%) 11-140 -asored vats a Caramelizing oe! et ia oes Seasoning Peon td Son Hippie ee, se Wild Harvest GOCHUJANG 4 / § 5 a 3 Snacks Large, Brown, Sweet Chili Sauce cane 25.02 avocado or cuitowe cps Cage Free Eggs 7502 Hunt's Diced «aor rts Cagi ‘99: Tomatoes or Rotel Diced Tomatoes & $4 Green Chilies 14S hunts ed ptt dor Talon et; 100 tng ony Mars Ce aC) 2/$7 when you buy 2 or $3.99 each participating items below - Old Duteh : ene Te Diltch Crineh Kettle MaM's Chips or Ripples Chips 4/s 5 oe ch conc 8-8. 02 ples A “cored varetes LIMIT@ OFFER Hunt's z . $ 3 g 4 } Tomato Sauce 5 1500 Pretzel Pieces or ink Twisted Pretzel 3 Utz Potato or lershey's Sticks FINAL cosT : Kettle Chips or Snack Size bute cups kt kaso mikchocolite bars 10-12 0 prete pieces assorted | AHA Sparkling Water ‘ ‘aorndwaiee : ane Be Hunt's ‘oo=|-€$6 @L.$8 | Sf" Almonds or Dot's Homestyle Pretzels sgee| 2+ 3/84 guy 2/7 | Eee Kettle Cooked 3 00° : Mountain Dew Potato Chips e Energy or Waves FINAL COST “ pack 1602 cans - assorted vaities 7-Box chips 7-75 ox waves asserted vanities venpetige Farm — LIFEWTR XTRA * beet avo pagel meatal, Farmhouse Bread, 3 00 Premium Laundry Detergent Farmhouse Cookies ℱ © Bottled Water pasion nowralo, inne orFamilySize FINAL COST peal Spotcheroarisen fe Golansh Crackers 2 /$3 Sai 4.00*: S$] wy $3 Sa: Hines CPT egeaes i fe) SBR] Signature fgg Loo =: fe = aan =| GlacĂ©au Artisan Hearth Cake Mix Goeattoa * vitaminwater Rustic Bread “_— Products ie Is on -asored tes 20+ coumty white or migra pack 75 ox cans sasotedvantes FINAL COST ℱ 109 wo $ 5 $ 4, aes Healthy Choice a = Snapple or Bans Hearth gf SOUP andiiceciken noodle or county vegetable 6-8count ee BODYARMOR 7 fA i , SuperDrink or =e CORE Water SportWater e pack 16- 1690 bates thed, ee botiessopedint §—- FINAL COST sorted antes sssorted varieties: ‘pack 20 bottles sportwater 4/55 Birds Eye Steamfresh ee Vegetables or Rice 10. 108 ex assorted varieties pe. 4/55 2/85 ag Egg Rolls count chicken or pork Buy 5, Save $4 when you Mix & Match FIVE (5) Participating items below = Orv's Tina's erent eer Pizzeria Ultra Thin Burritos or Ultimate Rizer fenvesonevatees Pizza 16-2845 0 select ais "1.00 Hellmann's a * Real 4.00 Mayonnaise FINAL COST “sy GODIVA Ice Cream 20x. squeeze tte 30.08, ar 14-16 +assoned vais “80: $4 . 2/$5 |e 4/55 1.00 = Haagen-Dazs sem Joseph Campione maa Basic EntrĂ©es Klondike > AA‘ Ice Cream 3 00 s Ice Cream or Bars Garlic Toast, 485-9408 «lect varieties Bars. FINAL COST ‘helmed toon Tread creel -asorted varieties 8-16ax, select vats, $4 =. $6 ———————— = 4 . Ben & Jerry's ‘* ) NestlĂ© Outshine McCain 2 =, Celentano Ice Cream 3 .00 > Bars or Oreo Ice Potatoes =% Frozen Pasta eee aes a) i ee 125-24 sot vies FINAL COST oes as + asd ets = ; 4.00% $7 $4 a i $7 P -1.00 25 =e = Kemps ag Marie Callender's InnovAsian Breyers a wo i = Ice Cream a Dinner or Pot Pie EntrĂ©es DF cs pat-asredies x mer 5-1 pot -sored aities ecem 3,00°| Se oo “8 | 80x -asonted vais FINAL COST

Latest weekly ads

$2 2/$7 $4 Titi) Humm milkadamia Gravy Master Arr Kombucha Macadamia Milk Browning & MILK (skim, 1%, 2%) 11-140 -asored vats a Caramelizing oe! et ia oes Seasoning Peon td Son Hippie ee, se Wild Harvest GOCHUJANG 4 / § 5 a 3 Snacks Large, Brown, Sweet Chili Sauce cane 25.02 avocado or cuitowe cps Cage Free Eggs 7502 Hunt's Diced «aor rts Cagi ‘99: Tomatoes or Rotel Diced Tomatoes & $4 Green Chilies 14S hunts ed ptt dor Talon et; 100 tng ony Mars Ce aC) 2/$7 when you buy 2 or $3.99 each participating items below - Old Duteh : ene Te Diltch Crineh Kettle MaM's Chips or Ripples Chips 4/s 5 oe ch conc 8-8. 02 ples A “cored varetes LIMIT@ OFFER Hunt's z . $ 3 g 4 } Tomato Sauce 5 1500 Pretzel Pieces or ink Twisted Pretzel 3 Utz Potato or lershey's Sticks FINAL cosT : Kettle Chips or Snack Size bute cups kt kaso mikchocolite bars 10-12 0 prete pieces assorted | AHA Sparkling Water ‘ ‘aorndwaiee : ane Be Hunt's ‘oo=|-€$6 @L.$8 | Sf" Almonds or Dot's Homestyle Pretzels sgee| 2+ 3/84 guy 2/7 | Eee Kettle Cooked 3 00° : Mountain Dew Potato Chips e Energy or Waves FINAL COST “ pack 1602 cans - assorted vaities 7-Box chips 7-75 ox waves asserted vanities venpetige Farm — LIFEWTR XTRA * beet avo pagel meatal, Farmhouse Bread, 3 00 Premium Laundry Detergent Farmhouse Cookies ℱ © Bottled Water pasion nowralo, inne orFamilySize FINAL COST peal Spotcheroarisen fe Golansh Crackers 2 /$3 Sai 4.00*: S$] wy $3 Sa: Hines CPT egeaes i fe) SBR] Signature fgg Loo =: fe = aan =| GlacĂ©au Artisan Hearth Cake Mix Goeattoa * vitaminwater Rustic Bread “_— Products ie Is on -asored tes 20+ coumty white or migra pack 75 ox cans sasotedvantes FINAL COST ℱ 109 wo $ 5 $ 4, aes Healthy Choice a = Snapple or Bans Hearth gf SOUP andiiceciken noodle or county vegetable 6-8count ee BODYARMOR 7 fA i , SuperDrink or =e CORE Water SportWater e pack 16- 1690 bates thed, ee botiessopedint §—- FINAL COST sorted antes sssorted varieties: ‘pack 20 bottles sportwater 4/55 Birds Eye Steamfresh ee Vegetables or Rice 10. 108 ex assorted varieties pe. 4/55 2/85 ag Egg Rolls count chicken or pork Buy 5, Save $4 when you Mix & Match FIVE (5) Participating items below = Orv's Tina's erent eer Pizzeria Ultra Thin Burritos or Ultimate Rizer fenvesonevatees Pizza 16-2845 0 select ais "1.00 Hellmann's a * Real 4.00 Mayonnaise FINAL COST “sy GODIVA Ice Cream 20x. squeeze tte 30.08, ar 14-16 +assoned vais “80: $4 . 2/$5 |e 4/55 1.00 = Haagen-Dazs sem Joseph Campione maa Basic EntrĂ©es Klondike > AA‘ Ice Cream 3 00 s Ice Cream or Bars Garlic Toast, 485-9408 «lect varieties Bars. FINAL COST ‘helmed toon Tread creel -asorted varieties 8-16ax, select vats, $4 =. $6 ———————— = 4 . Ben & Jerry's ‘* ) NestlĂ© Outshine McCain 2 =, Celentano Ice Cream 3 .00 > Bars or Oreo Ice Potatoes =% Frozen Pasta eee aes a) i ee 125-24 sot vies FINAL COST oes as + asd ets = ; 4.00% $7 $4 a i $7 P -1.00 25 =e = Kemps ag Marie Callender's InnovAsian Breyers a wo i = Ice Cream a Dinner or Pot Pie EntrĂ©es DF cs pat-asredies x mer 5-1 pot -sored aities ecem 3,00°| Se oo “8 | 80x -asonted vais FINAL COST

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