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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 08/14 to 08/20 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 08/14/2024 - 08/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Hothouse Grown Jumbo Seediess ET Wasa x 4pk. Tray Califomia Grown ¥ In Store Cut Baki Black Watermel Porcions i OrRed Plums - Cito 39 98 em, ys 1. 98. Ly /18.. 1602, aT 7To 11-02, Selected f 3b. Bag, Genuine Georgia Grown Compari Fresh Express Sweet Vidalia e \ Cocktail Tomatoes Salads Onions ‘ mm | Vv 3.46 256 398 - ~ a ~ Tangy Farm Fresh Sb. Bag, Creamy Fresh Large a / Crisp Green All Purpose —— Lemons a Cabbage White Potatoes Yr Y yr ee 18 rn \ 68. 3.98 ~ 13.170 1602, Selected Hungry Man Meals 1005-07, 147036-07, Selected 10To 14-07, Selected Move Over Nestle Toll House Stouffer's Sides “i | ‘Cookie Dough 1S, 2/4 He ma Es 32.02, Selected 205103202 Selected 11880 1602, MAM Sandwiches Or 410601 Selectea Food Club Tyson Boneless Snickers Or Twix — White Castle Shredded Cheese ‘Chicken Ice Cream Bars mw rs Sliders re a W a) nn a 6.78 4A8 sa ‘hoo 8910 1202, Selected General Mill's Cereal 2.98 64.02, Selected Almond Breeze ‘Almond Milk sea na : sh Wake Up To The Aroma Of os, 7A BREAKFAST _ 50.02, Selected Coffee Mate Iced Coffee 3.48 feeeexsteeat ao, sandra vip Cofee 2-02, Selected Mrs. Butlerworth 8: §) 8 = Fa) T 44k, Selected 756 | —| Food Club Fi = Biscuits... I i z woseeesa 721%1170n,Selec 1602 Roll, Hot Or Mild 202 eee — Carolina Pride Smithfield Sausage pune Pambuy Tester Links Or Patties. a Popups Strudels Pork Sausage 2/53 081493 gs GMS

Latest weekly ads

Hothouse Grown Jumbo Seediess ET Wasa x 4pk. Tray Califomia Grown ¥ In Store Cut Baki Black Watermel Porcions i OrRed Plums - Cito 39 98 em, ys 1. 98. Ly /18.. 1602, aT 7To 11-02, Selected f 3b. Bag, Genuine Georgia Grown Compari Fresh Express Sweet Vidalia e \ Cocktail Tomatoes Salads Onions ‘ mm | Vv 3.46 256 398 - ~ a ~ Tangy Farm Fresh Sb. Bag, Creamy Fresh Large a / Crisp Green All Purpose —— Lemons a Cabbage White Potatoes Yr Y yr ee 18 rn \ 68. 3.98 ~ 13.170 1602, Selected Hungry Man Meals 1005-07, 147036-07, Selected 10To 14-07, Selected Move Over Nestle Toll House Stouffer's Sides “i | ‘Cookie Dough 1S, 2/4 He ma Es 32.02, Selected 205103202 Selected 11880 1602, MAM Sandwiches Or 410601 Selectea Food Club Tyson Boneless Snickers Or Twix — White Castle Shredded Cheese ‘Chicken Ice Cream Bars mw rs Sliders re a W a) nn a 6.78 4A8 sa ‘hoo 8910 1202, Selected General Mill's Cereal 2.98 64.02, Selected Almond Breeze ‘Almond Milk sea na : sh Wake Up To The Aroma Of os, 7A BREAKFAST _ 50.02, Selected Coffee Mate Iced Coffee 3.48 feeeexsteeat ao, sandra vip Cofee 2-02, Selected Mrs. Butlerworth 8: §) 8 = Fa) T 44k, Selected 756 | —| Food Club Fi = Biscuits... I i z woseeesa 721%1170n,Selec 1602 Roll, Hot Or Mild 202 eee — Carolina Pride Smithfield Sausage pune Pambuy Tester Links Or Patties. a Popups Strudels Pork Sausage 2/53 081493 gs GMS

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