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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 08/14 to 08/20 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 08/14/2024 - 08/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Stora Family Pack , TY : Rone Anecyerencen Download your _ Fresh Chicken a Boston Butt - Drumsticks f 4 Pork Roast Family Pack Fresh ‘SE % Ground Beet ae 2 78. ‘Small Pack $3.28-Lb. ee? pa Hot Or Mild Black Canyon Angus Black Canyon Angus ce jolce rans ‘ ‘ Boneless Beef ) Black Conver ‘Angus PB ay KS aa : Teone St Steaks Z 3.98. . 3986 . — 6. 98, ae 12-0z, Selected Black Cd ‘Angus Smithfield Bo! = any 98 Round Steak / 3. Bi 43 8 . : Lh. No Waste Crisp Broccoli Crowns TenderSweet "* In-Husk Yellow, White Or Bi-Color Com = ; 2/s} Heo. pode x sechateinss 510 135402, ies Or Selected Poparts Pastries “wm UES ime ‘48 SALE PRICE NTE Te 298 > 100 he w ¥ 4770 87-02, Selected 1 Oe Hamburger 127-02 French toast Sticks Or = 9.21 To 1408-02, Selected 10.7810 123-02, Solectod Oreo Eggo Frozen Cookies : Wattles |S wt 2.0 1,00 eee &> Coffee Creamer ‘SALE PRICE FINAL PRICE AY pA rN dicot 2,00 710 802, Selected 45105302, Rips Or ai pce 12.04, Selected Kraft Shredded ‘Chobani King’s Or Chunk Cheese Yogurt Hawaiian Rolls sab | ax oe toed toe 20 ie Pizza Rolls SALE PRICE aT 169-02, Boties Or ‘31-Ct Flings Or SPack 75-02. ite = Selected 8810 100-Oz, Selected ‘Scott Bath Tissue Or 4 Gain Liquid Detergent | anecpectoviets, mopman eps oducts 12e cae ects a) 6.99 ike 351 2 Fort! a OUR Paws tippy simply PURERRES TopCare. SELECTBRANDS =i tees done’ HARMONY Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax TFREE 10-0z. Castieberry’s Hot Dog Chili Selected) elas FRIDAY ONLY /24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 8/18/24 0814g1_gs_GMS Hoo L shopatgrants

Latest weekly ads

Stora Family Pack , TY : Rone Anecyerencen Download your _ Fresh Chicken a Boston Butt - Drumsticks f 4 Pork Roast Family Pack Fresh ‘SE % Ground Beet ae 2 78. ‘Small Pack $3.28-Lb. ee? pa Hot Or Mild Black Canyon Angus Black Canyon Angus ce jolce rans ‘ ‘ Boneless Beef ) Black Conver ‘Angus PB ay KS aa : Teone St Steaks Z 3.98. . 3986 . — 6. 98, ae 12-0z, Selected Black Cd ‘Angus Smithfield Bo! = any 98 Round Steak / 3. Bi 43 8 . : Lh. No Waste Crisp Broccoli Crowns TenderSweet "* In-Husk Yellow, White Or Bi-Color Com = ; 2/s} Heo. pode x sechateinss 510 135402, ies Or Selected Poparts Pastries “wm UES ime ‘48 SALE PRICE NTE Te 298 > 100 he w ¥ 4770 87-02, Selected 1 Oe Hamburger 127-02 French toast Sticks Or = 9.21 To 1408-02, Selected 10.7810 123-02, Solectod Oreo Eggo Frozen Cookies : Wattles |S wt 2.0 1,00 eee &> Coffee Creamer ‘SALE PRICE FINAL PRICE AY pA rN dicot 2,00 710 802, Selected 45105302, Rips Or ai pce 12.04, Selected Kraft Shredded ‘Chobani King’s Or Chunk Cheese Yogurt Hawaiian Rolls sab | ax oe toed toe 20 ie Pizza Rolls SALE PRICE aT 169-02, Boties Or ‘31-Ct Flings Or SPack 75-02. ite = Selected 8810 100-Oz, Selected ‘Scott Bath Tissue Or 4 Gain Liquid Detergent | anecpectoviets, mopman eps oducts 12e cae ects a) 6.99 ike 351 2 Fort! a OUR Paws tippy simply PURERRES TopCare. SELECTBRANDS =i tees done’ HARMONY Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax TFREE 10-0z. Castieberry’s Hot Dog Chili Selected) elas FRIDAY ONLY /24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 8/18/24 0814g1_gs_GMS Hoo L shopatgrants

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