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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 09/08 to 09/14 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 09/08/2022 - 09/14/2022


Products in this weekly ad

s FIND ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE ITEMS AT THIS WEEK'S BONUS PAGE | OF DIGITAL DEALS Simply B Borden S2floz, 802. Shredded David's Def rr Orange Juice Ss or 1202. Singles Bagels or 32 fl.0z. Smoothies ay Cheese si a 5 pk. FROZEN Pictsweet f 2/7 1% 2/55 Kraft, DEVOUR Mac & Cheese Farm Favorites © Oi: ise 9 /$- @ A202. 8.507. 10-1207. Fceicbr Gola Kraft Chicken of the Sea leinz 57 Collection jig Bowl Alb: Th Culinary Crunch Mac & Cheese EP 3/55 6.99 | 2/*5 = 5.6 fl.oz. ed 3.5 or 5 02. 5 oz. Canned Salmon Included Quaker Hershey's Gevalia or 18 oz. Life or S Dipped Pretzels or Maxwell House 13.8-18 oz. Cap'n Crunch Uw Popped Snack Mix &, K-Cups Large Size Cereal } $ 3. 49% $7 49 2/57" 8-8.5 07. 6 or 12 pk. Ll aA Planters Glacéau 9.75-10.25 Vanity Fair smartwater NUT-rition Mix, Everyday or Gold Peak ar 10.3 oz. Mixed Nuts or Napkins 8 oz. Cashews Halves & Pieces i $ $3.99 ED 24.49 von 200 ct. 6 pk./16.9 fl.oz. Coca-Cola Bubly Pepsi, Pepsi Zero with 1$¢ a/$ Water or $e 2/*3.50 3/*10 2/*8 12 fl.oz. 8 pk/12 floz. 10 pk/7.5 floz. Frigo i Iced Te 7 Se $5.49 “ae Cheese Heads String Cheese 2/*7 10-12 oz. Kellogg's Family Pack Eggo Waffles $ a Ce 4.99->\4F5 23,2-29.6 02. : Nutri-Gran Excluded a Contadina Pizza Squeeze $1.29 1502. REDNER’S Tc 12 pk. vay Microwave $ ; Popcorn $3. 695 1202. bag seus $3199 — 100% Apple Juice $1.89 64 floz. Tea Bags 48 ct. Green Tea or Decaf Black Tea 100 ct. Orange morn and Pekoe Cut Black Tea ‘Redners_Vi_OnlineOniySpecials 09082022

Latest weekly ads

s FIND ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE ITEMS AT THIS WEEK'S BONUS PAGE | OF DIGITAL DEALS Simply B Borden S2floz, 802. Shredded David's Def rr Orange Juice Ss or 1202. Singles Bagels or 32 fl.0z. Smoothies ay Cheese si a 5 pk. FROZEN Pictsweet f 2/7 1% 2/55 Kraft, DEVOUR Mac & Cheese Farm Favorites © Oi: ise 9 /$- @ A202. 8.507. 10-1207. Fceicbr Gola Kraft Chicken of the Sea leinz 57 Collection jig Bowl Alb: Th Culinary Crunch Mac & Cheese EP 3/55 6.99 | 2/*5 = 5.6 fl.oz. ed 3.5 or 5 02. 5 oz. Canned Salmon Included Quaker Hershey's Gevalia or 18 oz. Life or S Dipped Pretzels or Maxwell House 13.8-18 oz. Cap'n Crunch Uw Popped Snack Mix &, K-Cups Large Size Cereal } $ 3. 49% $7 49 2/57" 8-8.5 07. 6 or 12 pk. Ll aA Planters Glacéau 9.75-10.25 Vanity Fair smartwater NUT-rition Mix, Everyday or Gold Peak ar 10.3 oz. Mixed Nuts or Napkins 8 oz. Cashews Halves & Pieces i $ $3.99 ED 24.49 von 200 ct. 6 pk./16.9 fl.oz. Coca-Cola Bubly Pepsi, Pepsi Zero with 1$¢ a/$ Water or $e 2/*3.50 3/*10 2/*8 12 fl.oz. 8 pk/12 floz. 10 pk/7.5 floz. Frigo i Iced Te 7 Se $5.49 “ae Cheese Heads String Cheese 2/*7 10-12 oz. Kellogg's Family Pack Eggo Waffles $ a Ce 4.99->\4F5 23,2-29.6 02. : Nutri-Gran Excluded a Contadina Pizza Squeeze $1.29 1502. REDNER’S Tc 12 pk. vay Microwave $ ; Popcorn $3. 695 1202. bag seus $3199 — 100% Apple Juice $1.89 64 floz. Tea Bags 48 ct. Green Tea or Decaf Black Tea 100 ct. Orange morn and Pekoe Cut Black Tea ‘Redners_Vi_OnlineOniySpecials 09082022

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