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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 09/08 to 09/14 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 09/08/2022 - 09/14/2022


Products in this weekly ad

You're covered! Core Power High Protein Milk Shake 14 floz. al fresco ox Ragas - Chicken Sausage fee simply or Juice Drink st Sugardale Thick Sliced Bacon 1202. ay ALC) ay here. one Potatoes or - Mac & Chees Nerd as REDNER’S 80% Lean Ground Beef, 2 Lemonade, Limeade = Almondmilk ; R’S Italian Bread $1.49, 20 oz. Peanut Bute J ——s 5 Concord ocee Jelly $ 1:79 Fei aor stcawverrs Spread 18.02. m edners_vi_S2_09002022 WHEN YOU BUY 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS» “> | Meredith McGrath, RD, LDN - Redner's Registered Dietitian REWARDS CARDREQUIRED = A Email your questions to: wo... rs ? Al lie a? b Quaker 10.32.60, Cap'n Crunch ean Quaker 14.5 02. Oatmeal Squ: : t= Instant Oatmeal or i302. Lite Spall 6-10 pk. Cereal Exclusions Apply Quaker Mf Old Fashioned or Quick 4 How do you encourage your kid to consume healthy Oats ea (i=l snacks? Consider adding a “snack bin” in your Cap'n Crunch's x ‘uhigerstor: Etter cler out a drewer or add aibiga 4.9 99>. 24 fl.oz. Ocean Blue Syrup Pearl Milling Company | plastic storage container with a lid. Here are some ‘e' or 24 2. bea 1.5-2 Ib. Pancake Mix | _ ideas for delicious snacks that are low in fat and high in 4202. Pancake Mix (or 24 loz. Syrup | nutrition: ‘Fruit & dip: Put washed fruit pieces in aplastic container. Mix plain yogurt, abit of peanut butter anda lite honey together in another round plastic container with a id ‘ Mini muffins: Make a batch of delicious, low-fat mini muffins. + Cheese and crackers: Make small stacks of cheese slices and wrap up whole-wheat crackers. * Crisp veggies and dip: Place pre-cut carrot and green pepper sticks, broccoli florets, and grape tomatoes in container in your snack bin. Pour low-fat salad dressing into small bowls to use as dip forthe veggies. * Create plastic snack bags full ofrisns, died cranberries, sunflower seeds and afew nuts. ‘Toss together a crunchy snack mix and store in single-serve plastic containers. Make sue to addin your favorite flavor of ‘Quaker® Rice Crisps. HealthCents For a freezer bin, try these delicious snacks: * Applesauce freezer pops: Pour flavored or regular applesauce into a plastic mold or small paper cup, insert stick and freeze. + Frozen yogurt sandwiches: Spread softened frozen yogurt between graham crackers to make “sandwiches.” Roll edges in wheat germ. Wrap individually in plastic wrap. Freeze until fir. * Banana pops: Spread 2 tablespoons of creamy peanut butter ‘eveniy over 2 medium ripe bananas that have been peeled. Cut bananas into bite-size pieces; rollin wheat germ. Place ‘bananas in single layer ina freezer-safe dish; cover and freeze unt im. After they are frozen, you can place them in a freezer bag for more compact storage. Thaw slightly before serving, ‘edners_Vi1_$3_09082022

Latest weekly ads

You're covered! Core Power High Protein Milk Shake 14 floz. al fresco ox Ragas - Chicken Sausage fee simply or Juice Drink st Sugardale Thick Sliced Bacon 1202. ay ALC) ay here. one Potatoes or - Mac & Chees Nerd as REDNER’S 80% Lean Ground Beef, 2 Lemonade, Limeade = Almondmilk ; R’S Italian Bread $1.49, 20 oz. Peanut Bute J ——s 5 Concord ocee Jelly $ 1:79 Fei aor stcawverrs Spread 18.02. m edners_vi_S2_09002022 WHEN YOU BUY 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS» “> | Meredith McGrath, RD, LDN - Redner's Registered Dietitian REWARDS CARDREQUIRED = A Email your questions to: wo... rs ? Al lie a? b Quaker 10.32.60, Cap'n Crunch ean Quaker 14.5 02. Oatmeal Squ: : t= Instant Oatmeal or i302. Lite Spall 6-10 pk. Cereal Exclusions Apply Quaker Mf Old Fashioned or Quick 4 How do you encourage your kid to consume healthy Oats ea (i=l snacks? Consider adding a “snack bin” in your Cap'n Crunch's x ‘uhigerstor: Etter cler out a drewer or add aibiga 4.9 99>. 24 fl.oz. Ocean Blue Syrup Pearl Milling Company | plastic storage container with a lid. Here are some ‘e' or 24 2. bea 1.5-2 Ib. Pancake Mix | _ ideas for delicious snacks that are low in fat and high in 4202. Pancake Mix (or 24 loz. Syrup | nutrition: ‘Fruit & dip: Put washed fruit pieces in aplastic container. Mix plain yogurt, abit of peanut butter anda lite honey together in another round plastic container with a id ‘ Mini muffins: Make a batch of delicious, low-fat mini muffins. + Cheese and crackers: Make small stacks of cheese slices and wrap up whole-wheat crackers. * Crisp veggies and dip: Place pre-cut carrot and green pepper sticks, broccoli florets, and grape tomatoes in container in your snack bin. Pour low-fat salad dressing into small bowls to use as dip forthe veggies. * Create plastic snack bags full ofrisns, died cranberries, sunflower seeds and afew nuts. ‘Toss together a crunchy snack mix and store in single-serve plastic containers. Make sue to addin your favorite flavor of ‘Quaker® Rice Crisps. HealthCents For a freezer bin, try these delicious snacks: * Applesauce freezer pops: Pour flavored or regular applesauce into a plastic mold or small paper cup, insert stick and freeze. + Frozen yogurt sandwiches: Spread softened frozen yogurt between graham crackers to make “sandwiches.” Roll edges in wheat germ. Wrap individually in plastic wrap. Freeze until fir. * Banana pops: Spread 2 tablespoons of creamy peanut butter ‘eveniy over 2 medium ripe bananas that have been peeled. Cut bananas into bite-size pieces; rollin wheat germ. Place ‘bananas in single layer ina freezer-safe dish; cover and freeze unt im. After they are frozen, you can place them in a freezer bag for more compact storage. Thaw slightly before serving, ‘edners_Vi1_$3_09082022

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