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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 09/08 to 09/14 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 09/08/2022 - 09/14/2022


Products in this weekly ad

= Scan the QR code or Text a RednersJobs to 25000 \ to get an Interview Topay! REDNER’S Bull’s-Eye Barbecue Sauce 4/*5 17.75-18 oz. HASSLE ata ees eu eee ue x ae aicremeneneee All Natural, Grade A% CO ROR alee |Whole, Quartered Or Cures [ls tae i> Coca-Cola CI OD (2 2 _ Classic, Diet, Sprite | $2 99 ~ or Coke Zero Sugar, family pack, Ib. 8pk./12 fl.oz, Co Gow 24 pk./10 fl.oz. carat © STORE HOURS: 6 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY! CO SCRANTON STORE'S _ PENNSIDE STORE'S © Ready Location Near You! 5 ote ote : HOURS: 7A.M.-9P.M. HOURS: 7A.M.~ 10 P.M. 1041065107 108-1-19-18 ees VE_S1 0808022 REWARDS CARD REQUIRED ee) Steak-umm 4 Hatfield 100% All Boet spony Nathan's Boneless Sliced Sandwich | ‘Smoked Steaks i wP Nova Salmon 9 Persil Ve 7 Proclean Detergent $ 7.98 $ 1o-a6 21 o7. Boz. 100 fl.oz. = John Soules am Bob Gvas = aim A a2 ss Weaver's ak Fully Cooked, Plain Bob Evans = Bob Evans © Mild or Hot Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes or Pa: Rolls, Links or Patties Ss. AVE Beef Sticks Patties or Nuggets § Side Dishes bee O\ Sausage | $13.98} 5.48 oe, 2/°7 with Redner's Mobile App Offer! ib 24 02. 12-24 02. The Philly . = Homestyle , a = a e ? ~~ Beef Patties . cel » ~ $ ces C4 johnsonvite We ‘ ay : Naked Drinks reakfast or Ground Bob Evans} 'e' i ik & Flavored Chicken Sausage J Hickory Beeon 3202. Road $8.48 WITHOUT APP Wat malt ‘Redners_Vi_$4_ 09082022 1.486 2/°6 :_ : ofa" siag™ 2402. Available in the Produce Dept GD | 9.6-16 oz. 16 oz.

Latest weekly ads

= Scan the QR code or Text a RednersJobs to 25000 \ to get an Interview Topay! REDNER’S Bull’s-Eye Barbecue Sauce 4/*5 17.75-18 oz. HASSLE ata ees eu eee ue x ae aicremeneneee All Natural, Grade A% CO ROR alee |Whole, Quartered Or Cures [ls tae i> Coca-Cola CI OD (2 2 _ Classic, Diet, Sprite | $2 99 ~ or Coke Zero Sugar, family pack, Ib. 8pk./12 fl.oz, Co Gow 24 pk./10 fl.oz. carat © STORE HOURS: 6 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY! CO SCRANTON STORE'S _ PENNSIDE STORE'S © Ready Location Near You! 5 ote ote : HOURS: 7A.M.-9P.M. HOURS: 7A.M.~ 10 P.M. 1041065107 108-1-19-18 ees VE_S1 0808022 REWARDS CARD REQUIRED ee) Steak-umm 4 Hatfield 100% All Boet spony Nathan's Boneless Sliced Sandwich | ‘Smoked Steaks i wP Nova Salmon 9 Persil Ve 7 Proclean Detergent $ 7.98 $ 1o-a6 21 o7. Boz. 100 fl.oz. = John Soules am Bob Gvas = aim A a2 ss Weaver's ak Fully Cooked, Plain Bob Evans = Bob Evans © Mild or Hot Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes or Pa: Rolls, Links or Patties Ss. AVE Beef Sticks Patties or Nuggets § Side Dishes bee O\ Sausage | $13.98} 5.48 oe, 2/°7 with Redner's Mobile App Offer! ib 24 02. 12-24 02. The Philly . = Homestyle , a = a e ? ~~ Beef Patties . cel » ~ $ ces C4 johnsonvite We ‘ ay : Naked Drinks reakfast or Ground Bob Evans} 'e' i ik & Flavored Chicken Sausage J Hickory Beeon 3202. Road $8.48 WITHOUT APP Wat malt ‘Redners_Vi_$4_ 09082022 1.486 2/°6 :_ : ofa" siag™ 2402. Available in the Produce Dept GD | 9.6-16 oz. 16 oz.

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