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Current weekly ad Family Dollar - Valid from 10/30 to 11/05 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Family Dollar 10/30/2022 - 11/05/2022


Products in this weekly ad

are [ 5 d "Ta i _ * Holiday Treats +2 3-> = ‘Stocking Stuffer Stauffer's Shortbread 50 Jet Puffed _ a : Candy Soa oz. $25 eine aerate $2 we 2IS50 ® iy ty @ &; Cottage 26 o7, 2 > Betty Crocker > Frosting 12-16 oz. a Premium Brownie Shit Mast buy 2 2S3 ee 21S G50 = = Excludes = Betty Cocker fam = ‘Chips Ahoy!, Sa > KO OQ Fal ae Nutter Butter or AG | Reh&Cr 9 Weeod fs Oreo Family size DIS Hershey's Kisses, os Mik Croco Cookies or Ritz Miniatures, or ‘ Brome | | Crackers Werther's —_ , B4oz, melt 10.5-20.6 o2. Original Chewy 7 eP mstby2 Caramels 7.82502. Chestnut Hill AT Betty Crocker _ Classic Roast a Cake Mix aL Coffee 33.9 07 $B50 152541635 or 21$2 Mastbuy Z ymakings for delicious “Mea.

Latest weekly ads

are [ 5 d "Ta i _ * Holiday Treats +2 3-> = ‘Stocking Stuffer Stauffer's Shortbread 50 Jet Puffed _ a : Candy Soa oz. $25 eine aerate $2 we 2IS50 ® iy ty @ &; Cottage 26 o7, 2 > Betty Crocker > Frosting 12-16 oz. a Premium Brownie Shit Mast buy 2 2S3 ee 21S G50 = = Excludes = Betty Cocker fam = ‘Chips Ahoy!, Sa > KO OQ Fal ae Nutter Butter or AG | Reh&Cr 9 Weeod fs Oreo Family size DIS Hershey's Kisses, os Mik Croco Cookies or Ritz Miniatures, or ‘ Brome | | Crackers Werther's —_ , B4oz, melt 10.5-20.6 o2. Original Chewy 7 eP mstby2 Caramels 7.82502. Chestnut Hill AT Betty Crocker _ Classic Roast a Cake Mix aL Coffee 33.9 07 $B50 152541635 or 21$2 Mastbuy Z ymakings for delicious “Mea.

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