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Current weekly ad Family Dollar - Valid from 10/30 to 11/05 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Family Dollar 10/30/2022 - 11/05/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Plan for the Holiday Feast R = 383 Chester's Hot Fries koa oz. Canada Dry, 7UP or AW Root Beer As Eatz Trail Mix 10 oz. mnt? Minatnuerser.or | $250 SES Whole Cashews 8.5 07. ir WHEN YOU BUY, 2 Dunkin’ K-Cups Sister Schubert's Dinner Yeast Rolls 15 oz. $Gjso am \@S ister Schubert's

Latest weekly ads

Plan for the Holiday Feast R = 383 Chester's Hot Fries koa oz. Canada Dry, 7UP or AW Root Beer As Eatz Trail Mix 10 oz. mnt? Minatnuerser.or | $250 SES Whole Cashews 8.5 07. ir WHEN YOU BUY, 2 Dunkin’ K-Cups Sister Schubert's Dinner Yeast Rolls 15 oz. $Gjso am \@S ister Schubert's

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