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Current weekly ad Family Dollar - Valid from 02/02 to 02/08 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Family Dollar 02/02/2025 - 02/08/2025


Products in this weekly ad

to clip Smart Coupons! @) Pepsi Products Saturday Savings Pass AD} ee ors Save 5 on your purchase of 25 or more with ee 8 Dr Pepper Products Oreo Cookies Soa 16-169 oz, 6 pk." 139-143 02. or i Cakesters 10. oz ac Po CNT S Folgers Coffee 192.02 Cheetos 56-10 02 co Mat by Tostitos Tortilla Red Baron Chips 6-13 oz. or Classic Crust Pizza alsa 15-155 o7 206-217 oz Mix & Match! 4 Eyer } Gril ig Purex Liquid + 435-50 0. Kellogg's Cereals BE ba 78-14) 02. ans Valentine's ©) When you spend 520 or more i. Chocolate con Snuggle, All®, or Purex &) Scented Bear Products with Smart Coupont “a le Valentine's Gift Bags I-4 ct. or Tissue Paper Ajax or Palmolive oh Ls 6 Sheets \} Dish Liquid 28 o7. Valentine's Candy Heart Boxes 106-2 oz @ FebrezePlug ‘> a q Cd “4 Scented Oil aa . ¥ ad Warmer i Buy 1Get1 eS Starting at “Wy ¥ 50% OFF wi) (C— i Cera ae Nene Mote ie Cs ik ‘ik Air Mist Scott 1000 as Bath Tissue ; ni 8 or 12 Rolls Price #3 5 Valentine's ser sce we) il Balloons 22" OFF wh Snot une Prices Good Sunday, February 2- vaidonferee Ars 88 Saturday, February 8, 2025 27a Page 9aseions

Latest weekly ads

to clip Smart Coupons! @) Pepsi Products Saturday Savings Pass AD} ee ors Save 5 on your purchase of 25 or more with ee 8 Dr Pepper Products Oreo Cookies Soa 16-169 oz, 6 pk." 139-143 02. or i Cakesters 10. oz ac Po CNT S Folgers Coffee 192.02 Cheetos 56-10 02 co Mat by Tostitos Tortilla Red Baron Chips 6-13 oz. or Classic Crust Pizza alsa 15-155 o7 206-217 oz Mix & Match! 4 Eyer } Gril ig Purex Liquid + 435-50 0. Kellogg's Cereals BE ba 78-14) 02. ans Valentine's ©) When you spend 520 or more i. Chocolate con Snuggle, All®, or Purex &) Scented Bear Products with Smart Coupont “a le Valentine's Gift Bags I-4 ct. or Tissue Paper Ajax or Palmolive oh Ls 6 Sheets \} Dish Liquid 28 o7. Valentine's Candy Heart Boxes 106-2 oz @ FebrezePlug ‘> a q Cd “4 Scented Oil aa . ¥ ad Warmer i Buy 1Get1 eS Starting at “Wy ¥ 50% OFF wi) (C— i Cera ae Nene Mote ie Cs ik ‘ik Air Mist Scott 1000 as Bath Tissue ; ni 8 or 12 Rolls Price #3 5 Valentine's ser sce we) il Balloons 22" OFF wh Snot une Prices Good Sunday, February 2- vaidonferee Ars 88 Saturday, February 8, 2025 27a Page 9aseions

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