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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 03/14 to 03/20 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 03/14/2023 - 03/20/2023


Products in this weekly ad

UU eS WSS BTA 3 OCR OCCT E y 8 Lm ATS eM ] Assorted 13 02. eee orice ate Bs SEEMS assorted 12 02, $2ea. i a aes) TINY a 2 ce 2 Free cn Rive : = 8 CV ELL 7 Xochitl Salsas eC Cry MC When you buy 2 Assorted 6.5-8 oz. ed assorted 12-15 07,, $4.99 assorted 8 packs, $3.99 Come vai a) ay CEM CRe TIS Co ore ~ (oye sila —— US ae i soe ch Bath Tissues ices PRO’ ities Noted cae rd Assorted 4.2 02. TURMERIC BEEF POT CHICKEN ROAST Serenity Kids ere Baby Food Pouches CEA sy Assorted 3.5 oz. Sasa LON RSET Note ye : NEUEN Ue) a! ise ame ; ae eA Lay Assorted 28 7. ta face wash, deodorant, aia) Hes aT) - Pe eo rumen TS giBa pag gam MUU Aya UP bi me ecco za WII) V MEV Be lerlas) H PVA COR For store hours and locations, visit our website at NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER® bi OO mn aes YOUR FOOD. OUR PASSION. ‘We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographic or pictorial errors. Please, no sales to dealers. Not all items available at Emigration, Holladay Market, and Daybreak. Prices good Tuesday 6:00 a.m. until Monday midnight.

Latest weekly ads

UU eS WSS BTA 3 OCR OCCT E y 8 Lm ATS eM ] Assorted 13 02. eee orice ate Bs SEEMS assorted 12 02, $2ea. i a aes) TINY a 2 ce 2 Free cn Rive : = 8 CV ELL 7 Xochitl Salsas eC Cry MC When you buy 2 Assorted 6.5-8 oz. ed assorted 12-15 07,, $4.99 assorted 8 packs, $3.99 Come vai a) ay CEM CRe TIS Co ore ~ (oye sila —— US ae i soe ch Bath Tissues ices PRO’ ities Noted cae rd Assorted 4.2 02. TURMERIC BEEF POT CHICKEN ROAST Serenity Kids ere Baby Food Pouches CEA sy Assorted 3.5 oz. Sasa LON RSET Note ye : NEUEN Ue) a! ise ame ; ae eA Lay Assorted 28 7. ta face wash, deodorant, aia) Hes aT) - Pe eo rumen TS giBa pag gam MUU Aya UP bi me ecco za WII) V MEV Be lerlas) H PVA COR For store hours and locations, visit our website at NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER® bi OO mn aes YOUR FOOD. OUR PASSION. ‘We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographic or pictorial errors. Please, no sales to dealers. Not all items available at Emigration, Holladay Market, and Daybreak. Prices good Tuesday 6:00 a.m. until Monday midnight.

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