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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/07 to 05/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/07/2024 - 05/13/2024


Products in this weekly ad

fi ’ YAU RS yal g Steamed in store See NEW YORK STEAKS Ie as VAs -EARTHBOUND FARM F STRAWBERRIES LUO (RS NBN AI HARMONS PINEAPPLE CHUNKS 1lb. packs Assorted 1 Ib. packs Made in store daily [NES ay Te se ee Se * 2929 SWIRLS SIMELE General Mills Cereals Clean Simple Eats When you buy 2 Fo S| tui es Chocolate Covered Fruits papel bes $9199 ae rolen ‘ors assorted 8.9-12 tors ne fos r $6.99 When you buy 2 grag mb Tul owders ., $3 ea. bel jut-Thins jarmons Bacon ted 8 07, $5.99 Select 4 ct. 21 @a. Assorted 35g. 2 or 5 ake ene 2 7 4 Assorted 4.25 02. 2 7 5 Variety 20 oz. 6% oS 549

Latest weekly ads

fi ’ YAU RS yal g Steamed in store See NEW YORK STEAKS Ie as VAs -EARTHBOUND FARM F STRAWBERRIES LUO (RS NBN AI HARMONS PINEAPPLE CHUNKS 1lb. packs Assorted 1 Ib. packs Made in store daily [NES ay Te se ee Se * 2929 SWIRLS SIMELE General Mills Cereals Clean Simple Eats When you buy 2 Fo S| tui es Chocolate Covered Fruits papel bes $9199 ae rolen ‘ors assorted 8.9-12 tors ne fos r $6.99 When you buy 2 grag mb Tul owders ., $3 ea. bel jut-Thins jarmons Bacon ted 8 07, $5.99 Select 4 ct. 21 @a. Assorted 35g. 2 or 5 ake ene 2 7 4 Assorted 4.25 02. 2 7 5 Variety 20 oz. 6% oS 549

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