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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/21 to 05/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/21/2024 - 05/27/2024


Products in this weekly ad

-HARMONS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER: PT BIS Boneless, skinless ae a je NA be FOV Red, on-the-vine Pepsi wee When you buy3 assorted 8 or 12 pks., Brian Sala pressings for 2 6 $5.99 ea. before savings Assorted 12 02. DOUBLE) R RANCH’ ay Ma ity ih cere Ah que! Sy : rid eit STEAKS Boneless aA istolataaa) i Ee hi Say YS Large Vidalia 4% ae US I Va RU RN NE eS Made in store daily Hebrew National Beef Franks Red Button When you buy 2 Creamery Ice Cream assorted 103-12 02., = When you pase 6 $399 99 $4.99 ea. before savings 0, $4.49 ea. before savings Kingsford Charcoal Variety 12-16 Ib.

Latest weekly ads

-HARMONS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER: PT BIS Boneless, skinless ae a je NA be FOV Red, on-the-vine Pepsi wee When you buy3 assorted 8 or 12 pks., Brian Sala pressings for 2 6 $5.99 ea. before savings Assorted 12 02. DOUBLE) R RANCH’ ay Ma ity ih cere Ah que! Sy : rid eit STEAKS Boneless aA istolataaa) i Ee hi Say YS Large Vidalia 4% ae US I Va RU RN NE eS Made in store daily Hebrew National Beef Franks Red Button When you buy 2 Creamery Ice Cream assorted 103-12 02., = When you pase 6 $399 99 $4.99 ea. before savings 0, $4.49 ea. before savings Kingsford Charcoal Variety 12-16 Ib.

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