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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 06/11 to 06/17 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 06/11/2024 - 06/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

-HARMONS | y NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER “RIBEYE STEAKS Bone-in, choice 5 CHICKEN BREASTS Boneless, skinless J . , Va. r "a OR Bi ; IV 49 mT Vasa f 13 aT NG BACK ai) 4 RIBS Boneless @ ee I A KON eh Pe oy, ‘se | ae eta ss - i GP FS ag? ey : Cae Cee : | oe Eh £1 why ee re ue gOS DOLE SALAD BLENDS Assorted 16-24 oz., CHERRIES Red, on-the-vine Assorted 5-12 oz. Mild, hot, spicy a eae! Y Sal cs =

Latest weekly ads

-HARMONS | y NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER “RIBEYE STEAKS Bone-in, choice 5 CHICKEN BREASTS Boneless, skinless J . , Va. r "a OR Bi ; IV 49 mT Vasa f 13 aT NG BACK ai) 4 RIBS Boneless @ ee I A KON eh Pe oy, ‘se | ae eta ss - i GP FS ag? ey : Cae Cee : | oe Eh £1 why ee re ue gOS DOLE SALAD BLENDS Assorted 16-24 oz., CHERRIES Red, on-the-vine Assorted 5-12 oz. Mild, hot, spicy a eae! Y Sal cs =

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