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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 03/14 to 03/20 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 03/14/2023 - 03/20/2023


Products in this weekly ad

ei e tat | eg Ve a F b kee 5 Fy ' aE a 4 ae , ( BITT TG NTE 2 (2 fe >) ee et | | | 639 ; 4) Eh. A € in HARMONS TRISH:STEW. PU) V Oe uae Bala aA BS AND COLCANNON BOWLS eyes scees aes Creamy potatoes and cabbage topped with stew iar; Sie : : oe A ry \y i) 1B. x 15 ( eh: EYE OF ROUND STEAKS HARMONS SAUSAGES ae ey Value packs, USDA choice Garlic or Greek chicken sausage NUNS ~ = = = GREEN ONION CHEESEBALLS , " . With or without almonds, enjoy cri ‘ rs » Eri ee a with Harmons crostini ey P 4 rr “ayPy Fs) A Vg . | ‘ > 1, +.) ry : etd rl al 3 . _ ee a | > ee Se oe 3 6 i602 gaa ame bed HAE a E SS ‘ YEE) Pam | 699 ’ PV ee ey TBA ne “SALMON a Original or spicy, try with Harmons RBC UE HEA 6 oz., lemon garlic dill, ARS hl tomato basil soup Yel aTel eM TA) (om KTAN LI Steamed in-store la aa b ETA) Ss EMU 2 = 8 Bi cs pes DCE ATU Tat ay TRULY. By XY (i Assorted 7-9 02. SNP \ nf Assorted 8 07. DNs by CES 1339) Mcne ife Fresh Creations Ni (OTR Ey ns 14333 ON ty Aa na 10a Assorted 10-11 oz.

Latest weekly ads

ei e tat | eg Ve a F b kee 5 Fy ' aE a 4 ae , ( BITT TG NTE 2 (2 fe >) ee et | | | 639 ; 4) Eh. A € in HARMONS TRISH:STEW. PU) V Oe uae Bala aA BS AND COLCANNON BOWLS eyes scees aes Creamy potatoes and cabbage topped with stew iar; Sie : : oe A ry \y i) 1B. x 15 ( eh: EYE OF ROUND STEAKS HARMONS SAUSAGES ae ey Value packs, USDA choice Garlic or Greek chicken sausage NUNS ~ = = = GREEN ONION CHEESEBALLS , " . With or without almonds, enjoy cri ‘ rs » Eri ee a with Harmons crostini ey P 4 rr “ayPy Fs) A Vg . | ‘ > 1, +.) ry : etd rl al 3 . _ ee a | > ee Se oe 3 6 i602 gaa ame bed HAE a E SS ‘ YEE) Pam | 699 ’ PV ee ey TBA ne “SALMON a Original or spicy, try with Harmons RBC UE HEA 6 oz., lemon garlic dill, ARS hl tomato basil soup Yel aTel eM TA) (om KTAN LI Steamed in-store la aa b ETA) Ss EMU 2 = 8 Bi cs pes DCE ATU Tat ay TRULY. By XY (i Assorted 7-9 02. SNP \ nf Assorted 8 07. DNs by CES 1339) Mcne ife Fresh Creations Ni (OTR Ey ns 14333 ON ty Aa na 10a Assorted 10-11 oz.

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