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Current weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2234_SMOYO MORE WAYS TO SAVE FRESH FOR EVERYONE With Card Seedless Mandarins 3 Ib Bag } a & | 3 Ibs or more or I 4 be) ay Private Selection Angus: Gourmet Patties, 1.33 Ib, : | $8.99, Select Varieties = With Card ee x Boneless Pork Half +S j j Loin or Tenderloin yj 2 Natural or Hormel Pork Loins, c ~ I r f 1.5 Ib, Select Varieties, $7.99, Sold Whole in Bag es I i g 9.13 02 o Fitos,9.25:10 07 or Rold Gold Pretzels, 10-16 oz 2630.1Soldina Select Varieties 2 Ib Bag for $15.98 When you buy 4 or more inthe Se transaction with Cord, ‘Quantities ess than 4 oe priced up to $4.99 each with Cod ff ) ” r = , 12 ot K-Cups or Swiss Miss #9 ) Cocoa Mix or Cate Escapes, 1012 of KCups Selec! Varieties With Card Ne ‘e = Coca-Cola, = oe Pepsi or 7UP aay Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 fl oz Cans or & Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles J When you buy 3 oF more inthe some transaction with Card. ‘Quontiies fess than 3 are $7.99 each. i ~; Roane Pee) BUY 1, GET 1 . RE 5 3 ameter With Card Halloween Jumbo Candy el Varieties, 15-21.35 og pang item selection may vy by so . tems must be purchased in the same transaction wath Co. Pepsi or 7UP Discount applied at checkout onthe fen of equal or Select Varieties,2 Liter lesser value with Cor Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for SALE in one transaction with Card. these tags. ay PUERCO" 5°), ee Seer ae with 00 o110 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Ss a -JOF3S 17% a Yoplait Yogurt Select Varieties, 6 oz Post Cereal 11-14. oo Geeta ie Ea Sick 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, 7.7-12.6 0: Select Varieties APS5 Ss 00 biottaL COUpON OrreR 3.99 us 2.A9 vi, “I. Off) mn of Pe Ke EAE OUEONIGHIEN DIGITAL COUPON OFFER : : j 4 A Ae | Cc, €% @€ Dae 2 Lor? JEA* Kraft Macaroni Com /EA* £ \ Senate and Cheese A NK onscinat 5.57.25 oz or Campbell's Doritos 610.75 07 or Rutfes, or shane chess c By Sait or win Moot Spaghettios,15.6-15.8 7.25:8.5 07; Select Varieties et Cottage Ct original, (seme S sposretios56158 02 STARTS SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 2 WEEKS ONLY | WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Prices and items good with a Smiths Rewards Card at the following Smith’s Locations led): SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through (unless otherwise indicat Tuesday, September 27, 2022 06 Comel SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. rated

Latest weekly ads

2234_SMOYO MORE WAYS TO SAVE FRESH FOR EVERYONE With Card Seedless Mandarins 3 Ib Bag } a & | 3 Ibs or more or I 4 be) ay Private Selection Angus: Gourmet Patties, 1.33 Ib, : | $8.99, Select Varieties = With Card ee x Boneless Pork Half +S j j Loin or Tenderloin yj 2 Natural or Hormel Pork Loins, c ~ I r f 1.5 Ib, Select Varieties, $7.99, Sold Whole in Bag es I i g 9.13 02 o Fitos,9.25:10 07 or Rold Gold Pretzels, 10-16 oz 2630.1Soldina Select Varieties 2 Ib Bag for $15.98 When you buy 4 or more inthe Se transaction with Cord, ‘Quantities ess than 4 oe priced up to $4.99 each with Cod ff ) ” r = , 12 ot K-Cups or Swiss Miss #9 ) Cocoa Mix or Cate Escapes, 1012 of KCups Selec! Varieties With Card Ne ‘e = Coca-Cola, = oe Pepsi or 7UP aay Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 fl oz Cans or & Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles J When you buy 3 oF more inthe some transaction with Card. ‘Quontiies fess than 3 are $7.99 each. i ~; Roane Pee) BUY 1, GET 1 . RE 5 3 ameter With Card Halloween Jumbo Candy el Varieties, 15-21.35 og pang item selection may vy by so . tems must be purchased in the same transaction wath Co. Pepsi or 7UP Discount applied at checkout onthe fen of equal or Select Varieties,2 Liter lesser value with Cor Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for SALE in one transaction with Card. these tags. ay PUERCO" 5°), ee Seer ae with 00 o110 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Ss a -JOF3S 17% a Yoplait Yogurt Select Varieties, 6 oz Post Cereal 11-14. oo Geeta ie Ea Sick 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, 7.7-12.6 0: Select Varieties APS5 Ss 00 biottaL COUpON OrreR 3.99 us 2.A9 vi, “I. Off) mn of Pe Ke EAE OUEONIGHIEN DIGITAL COUPON OFFER : : j 4 A Ae | Cc, €% @€ Dae 2 Lor? JEA* Kraft Macaroni Com /EA* £ \ Senate and Cheese A NK onscinat 5.57.25 oz or Campbell's Doritos 610.75 07 or Rutfes, or shane chess c By Sait or win Moot Spaghettios,15.6-15.8 7.25:8.5 07; Select Varieties et Cottage Ct original, (seme S sposretios56158 02 STARTS SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 2 WEEKS ONLY | WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Prices and items good with a Smiths Rewards Card at the following Smith’s Locations led): SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through (unless otherwise indicat Tuesday, September 27, 2022 06 Comel SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. rated

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