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Current weekly ad Rouses - Valid from 09/28 to 10/26 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Rouses 09/28/2022 - 10/26/2022


Products in this weekly ad

6 PACK 11.2 02 BOTTLES i a os Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita a os sae Aaat (DOCG) is the apex of the Italian wine pyramid. Region, errs Fler | grape, production methods — even bottle size — are Be &) regulated to preserve traditional winemaking practices. = \ SY Wines labeled DOCG are analyzed and tasted by \ 7 L government-licensed personnel before being bottled, and the tops of said bottles are sealed with official, numbered Fy (ltl tape. There are only 74 such wines in all of Italy. 2 12 PACK 11.2 OZ = OH Pai EB BY peroni Nastro S= a ) DaVinci Chianti Ruffino Azzurro Pale Lager $~ GE m pocc Chianti DOCG PASS | 750 ML 750 ML Stella Rosa Luca Bosio Black, Red Italian Frizzante, or Rosso IS LITER Cavit Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir pen aeeeey ITALIAN FRIZZANTE DES en eens ee eeu Ue eee te ORC id Ideal as aperitif or at the end of DOS Cee SMe RUE rel UU LR ees AS LTD the meal with fruits, aged cheeses characteristic citrus, spice, and bitter balance. The beer is brewed with Saaz or hazelnut cake. Lower in Calories and Hallertau Magnum hops, responsible for Nastro Azzurro’s ephemeral than the competition! touch on the palate. Taken together, with two-row spring barley in the mix, PO eum RMR te me CD

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6 PACK 11.2 02 BOTTLES i a os Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita a os sae Aaat (DOCG) is the apex of the Italian wine pyramid. Region, errs Fler | grape, production methods — even bottle size — are Be &) regulated to preserve traditional winemaking practices. = \ SY Wines labeled DOCG are analyzed and tasted by \ 7 L government-licensed personnel before being bottled, and the tops of said bottles are sealed with official, numbered Fy (ltl tape. There are only 74 such wines in all of Italy. 2 12 PACK 11.2 OZ = OH Pai EB BY peroni Nastro S= a ) DaVinci Chianti Ruffino Azzurro Pale Lager $~ GE m pocc Chianti DOCG PASS | 750 ML 750 ML Stella Rosa Luca Bosio Black, Red Italian Frizzante, or Rosso IS LITER Cavit Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir pen aeeeey ITALIAN FRIZZANTE DES en eens ee eeu Ue eee te ORC id Ideal as aperitif or at the end of DOS Cee SMe RUE rel UU LR ees AS LTD the meal with fruits, aged cheeses characteristic citrus, spice, and bitter balance. The beer is brewed with Saaz or hazelnut cake. Lower in Calories and Hallertau Magnum hops, responsible for Nastro Azzurro’s ephemeral than the competition! touch on the palate. Taken together, with two-row spring barley in the mix, PO eum RMR te me CD

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