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Current weekly ad Pavilions - Valid from 12/11 to 01/07 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Pavilions 12/11/2024 - 01/07/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Grab & Go We prep, you party. | ssc. re. Croissants, Pinwheels, Club, Buffalo Chicken Wings or Fruit & Cheese Starting at Board Head Boar's Head %, Build-a-Board Selected varieties Starting at 1999° Every Day wa Primo Taglio” Entertaining Platter 125 oz, Artisanal or Classic Italian Style ee) 15 ‘Manufactures’ coupons may be used on purchased items only —noton free items. Additional terms and restrictions may apply as noted on the applicable coupons and offers. You pay bottle! ‘container deposit, bag fees and sales tax on both the purchased and free items. Sales in retail quantities only and we reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions, Quantities are limited to inventory on and and subject to availablity. We reserve the ight to correct typographical, pictorial and other ad or pricing erors, Prices for products you ‘order through the online grocery ordering service generally ae higher than the prices for such products in our physical stores and our online programs, promotions, savings, discounts and offers ‘may difer from those in our physical stores. Gee ale ere a nee ee a AE PG 4, PAV 12112024 WKS0_SOC_PAV BBS 04 P1

Latest weekly ads

Grab & Go We prep, you party. | ssc. re. Croissants, Pinwheels, Club, Buffalo Chicken Wings or Fruit & Cheese Starting at Board Head Boar's Head %, Build-a-Board Selected varieties Starting at 1999° Every Day wa Primo Taglio” Entertaining Platter 125 oz, Artisanal or Classic Italian Style ee) 15 ‘Manufactures’ coupons may be used on purchased items only —noton free items. Additional terms and restrictions may apply as noted on the applicable coupons and offers. You pay bottle! ‘container deposit, bag fees and sales tax on both the purchased and free items. Sales in retail quantities only and we reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions, Quantities are limited to inventory on and and subject to availablity. We reserve the ight to correct typographical, pictorial and other ad or pricing erors, Prices for products you ‘order through the online grocery ordering service generally ae higher than the prices for such products in our physical stores and our online programs, promotions, savings, discounts and offers ‘may difer from those in our physical stores. Gee ale ere a nee ee a AE PG 4, PAV 12112024 WKS0_SOC_PAV BBS 04 P1

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