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Current weekly ad Los Altos Ranch Market - Valid from 12/04 to 12/10 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Los Altos Ranch Market 12/04/2024 - 12/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

70 a Arroz Jasmine Mahatma Thai Long Grain Rice, § Ub Crema para Pastel Pillsbury sy? Frosting 16.02 EA es f3% ang Cerealess es Honeyfoasede = Pf 99 Almond Cereal, 18 oz EA PurĂ© de Manzana. Mott's Applesauce, 6 Pk PurĂ© de Manzana Ke olae Yee. i ris Ne Sere eee Be eee Papel rs Reynolds Aluminum Foil, 50-75 ft Isa fat FGA Scie 202 tae Totopos de Maiz ElComal Homestyle Tortita Chips, 20 02 ‘5s Tostadas w ‘2: GROCER —,) 2 a Leche NestlĂ© Nido 1+ Kinder Powdered Milk La Costefia Whole lataperios 26x Breche Aceite ON si High Oc Atan en Aguao Aceite Dol Tuna in Water or Oi, 10 a2 lores Condensada la ae es ABARROTES Frijoles Sun Vista Pinto or Black Beas, 4002 Queso La Chong Netting Cheeses 16or salchichas 6 Bar-S EA Franks, 3 Lbs | DAIRY agit 9602 DELI | LACTEOS yy_Crema mDais ya ia Daisy Sout Cream dee Crema Coffee-Mate Cole Creamer, 3202 Leche Silk silies 8) Pk, Shar Licuados = $4699 danimais EA Smoothies, 12 Pk Plate Cirdonae ERT Foam Plates et Gera Cardenas aoa a «CS Napkins, 180 ct Blanqueador Clorale 99 Foam Bou's, ctor 2 | EA FOR aan uo Bn ts eee e Ree ZN BUY 2 SAVE*2 Virgen Moats Guadalupe bon Estatuas poked Statues 1722 inch um 9; ae 7 Refrescos Pepsi Beverages 24 Pk az Cans 24Pk, 202 Cans BEBIDAS , Suero Aloe Vera Drinks 1S titers 25 Bebidas EnergĂ©ticas NĂ©ctar Monster de Mango Ee:cy Drinks, 160 Na Langer's [viango Nectar 8 BE ass aul INE 24 Pk, 7 02 Bottles Heineken EA 12Pk, t2-2oz Bottes Barefoot Selected Varieties 750 mL Se eae Modelo, Coronao ‘99 > Bohemia “16” Pacifico 12Pk, 202 Bottles 99 ieee EA 18Pk I2ozCans rs Bud, Tecate, 7 i 5 Me / Ori s 12 Ss a 7 2 Estrellao Michelob 12Pk, oz Cans or Botties 182 so" = Aluminio LOSALTOS VIS STORES PHOENI, GLENDALE, Mt

Latest weekly ads

70 a Arroz Jasmine Mahatma Thai Long Grain Rice, § Ub Crema para Pastel Pillsbury sy? Frosting 16.02 EA es f3% ang Cerealess es Honeyfoasede = Pf 99 Almond Cereal, 18 oz EA PurĂ© de Manzana. Mott's Applesauce, 6 Pk PurĂ© de Manzana Ke olae Yee. i ris Ne Sere eee Be eee Papel rs Reynolds Aluminum Foil, 50-75 ft Isa fat FGA Scie 202 tae Totopos de Maiz ElComal Homestyle Tortita Chips, 20 02 ‘5s Tostadas w ‘2: GROCER —,) 2 a Leche NestlĂ© Nido 1+ Kinder Powdered Milk La Costefia Whole lataperios 26x Breche Aceite ON si High Oc Atan en Aguao Aceite Dol Tuna in Water or Oi, 10 a2 lores Condensada la ae es ABARROTES Frijoles Sun Vista Pinto or Black Beas, 4002 Queso La Chong Netting Cheeses 16or salchichas 6 Bar-S EA Franks, 3 Lbs | DAIRY agit 9602 DELI | LACTEOS yy_Crema mDais ya ia Daisy Sout Cream dee Crema Coffee-Mate Cole Creamer, 3202 Leche Silk silies 8) Pk, Shar Licuados = $4699 danimais EA Smoothies, 12 Pk Plate Cirdonae ERT Foam Plates et Gera Cardenas aoa a «CS Napkins, 180 ct Blanqueador Clorale 99 Foam Bou's, ctor 2 | EA FOR aan uo Bn ts eee e Ree ZN BUY 2 SAVE*2 Virgen Moats Guadalupe bon Estatuas poked Statues 1722 inch um 9; ae 7 Refrescos Pepsi Beverages 24 Pk az Cans 24Pk, 202 Cans BEBIDAS , Suero Aloe Vera Drinks 1S titers 25 Bebidas EnergĂ©ticas NĂ©ctar Monster de Mango Ee:cy Drinks, 160 Na Langer's [viango Nectar 8 BE ass aul INE 24 Pk, 7 02 Bottles Heineken EA 12Pk, t2-2oz Bottes Barefoot Selected Varieties 750 mL Se eae Modelo, Coronao ‘99 > Bohemia “16” Pacifico 12Pk, 202 Bottles 99 ieee EA 18Pk I2ozCans rs Bud, Tecate, 7 i 5 Me / Ori s 12 Ss a 7 2 Estrellao Michelob 12Pk, oz Cans or Botties 182 so" = Aluminio LOSALTOS VIS STORES PHOENI, GLENDALE, Mt

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