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Current weekly ad Ingles - Valid from 11/02 to 11/08 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Ingles 11/02/2022 - 11/08/2022


Products in this weekly ad

~-Morithly Savings!----- KELLOGG’S KID CEREAL 10-13.5 Oz. - Varieties 7 a \ ti cHeez-it ORIGINAL OR SNAP'D CRACKERS 7.5-12.4 02, - 5 Te HEAL MAYONN 74) STOCK = Reus So” rere a 4 DUKE'S : SWANSON i MAYONNAISE . —— BROTH OR STOCK 30 Oz. - 32 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected pets © |STARB = |BAG, Ku CUB OR INSTANT CANNED BROTH COFFEE 10.75-14.5 Oz. - 3.17-12 Oz. Or 10 Count - Selected il Selected Varieties ® | cRISCO COTTONELLE ae rece MEGA ROLL BATH TISSUE OIL 12 Count - 40 Oz.- d Varieties d Varieties GAIN LIQUID LAUNDRY DOWNY DETERGENT FABRIC CONDITIONER 92 Oz. - 51 Oz. Selected ynieties Selected Varieties SARGENTO SHREDDED OR za PEO / — CHUNK CHEESE PASTA SAUCE 5-8 Oz. - 23-24 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties

Latest weekly ads

~-Morithly Savings!----- KELLOGG’S KID CEREAL 10-13.5 Oz. - Varieties 7 a \ ti cHeez-it ORIGINAL OR SNAP'D CRACKERS 7.5-12.4 02, - 5 Te HEAL MAYONN 74) STOCK = Reus So” rere a 4 DUKE'S : SWANSON i MAYONNAISE . —— BROTH OR STOCK 30 Oz. - 32 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected pets © |STARB = |BAG, Ku CUB OR INSTANT CANNED BROTH COFFEE 10.75-14.5 Oz. - 3.17-12 Oz. Or 10 Count - Selected il Selected Varieties ® | cRISCO COTTONELLE ae rece MEGA ROLL BATH TISSUE OIL 12 Count - 40 Oz.- d Varieties d Varieties GAIN LIQUID LAUNDRY DOWNY DETERGENT FABRIC CONDITIONER 92 Oz. - 51 Oz. Selected ynieties Selected Varieties SARGENTO SHREDDED OR za PEO / — CHUNK CHEESE PASTA SAUCE 5-8 Oz. - 23-24 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties

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