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Current weekly ad Fiesta Foods - Valid from 01/01 to 01/07 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Foods 01/01/2025 - 01/07/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Celebra los valores. Celebrate values. Ce aor) 1 Oo O i BU a eee ae BRR Rime lala yi Selected Variety, Bimbs eels Ua $ eile) or aged a) Behe ae eee Nags) See tet fread ret pe mn ieee emery 5 8, Dea tira oe) Bites) Miia Atl g 7 = : ears erten Neic io Bread _ Pa blancoy de trigo, Eo ECO Mee a 0 a LST Ere nes Brecher Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ Prosress, get digital receipts and view your rewards 1/1/25 to 1/31/25 & G sees. <o e alad Oo Lechuga ‘lb Bag, Peeled Zanahorias mini peladas, balsa de 1 libra Paquete econémico 4: 55.48 Ib ‘ ~ Whole n the Bag, Beef Beef Frozen, Tray Pack, Chicken Fiesta Foods Signature Pulpa de res entera en bolsa Bistec de milanesa de res Pechuga de pollo, congeladas 6 pk:, Bottles, WISI RET) RT TSAI) eecrae eb Available at all of our locations vy instacart eae 2 Prices effective the week of CE January 1 - January 7, 2025 1)/2/3/)4 a Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Finn uson| i Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved, @ Fiesta Foods 2028, Products subject to avail. Mere) OSE” Unttg Pe yen fc rs Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. __ Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery — a

Latest weekly ads

Celebra los valores. Celebrate values. Ce aor) 1 Oo O i BU a eee ae BRR Rime lala yi Selected Variety, Bimbs eels Ua $ eile) or aged a) Behe ae eee Nags) See tet fread ret pe mn ieee emery 5 8, Dea tira oe) Bites) Miia Atl g 7 = : ears erten Neic io Bread _ Pa blancoy de trigo, Eo ECO Mee a 0 a LST Ere nes Brecher Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ Prosress, get digital receipts and view your rewards 1/1/25 to 1/31/25 & G sees. <o e alad Oo Lechuga ‘lb Bag, Peeled Zanahorias mini peladas, balsa de 1 libra Paquete econémico 4: 55.48 Ib ‘ ~ Whole n the Bag, Beef Beef Frozen, Tray Pack, Chicken Fiesta Foods Signature Pulpa de res entera en bolsa Bistec de milanesa de res Pechuga de pollo, congeladas 6 pk:, Bottles, WISI RET) RT TSAI) eecrae eb Available at all of our locations vy instacart eae 2 Prices effective the week of CE January 1 - January 7, 2025 1)/2/3/)4 a Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Finn uson| i Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved, @ Fiesta Foods 2028, Products subject to avail. Mere) OSE” Unttg Pe yen fc rs Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. __ Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery — a

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