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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

WINE-DERFUL SANGRIA Dark Horse, f/ Riondo or Cupcake sn etd TD 798. NC aol CABERNET ‘Apothic or = 19 Crimes 8 selected 750 ml == Meiomi, Decoy Kim Crawford, or Juggernaut Woodbridge Ruffino or Simi sete 750 sekete Ser seted 750 mt 17% 9% 13% —_______] LIN THE DE Sparking Water UY © econ Dasani Water Sparkling Ice 24 pack Caffeine ape {6 Site botes suman hm 399 283 Hoist Science Starbucks of Hydration Icelandic Nitro Cold Brew Flavored Water Glacial Water or Iced Latte selected 6 ot Gpacki6 orbortes selected 98 et 283 P3A_090722 6% 256 OFFERS GOOD WITH CARD. AND NOT BAD WITHOUT IT. Sierra Nevada, ‘SweetWater or Topo Chico repack Iorbotes or cane 15°? Vizzy, Lone River or ‘Simply Spiked selected pack iozcans 15° Corona, Modelo or Heineken selected 8 pack I2ozbotes arcane Yuengling selected 24 pck Iortortes or cane Laenglng Ultra lected 18,200 24pack (Rar botes or cane 19° Lipton Iced Tea cect pack 169 oxboties 2511 = Pepsi g Products seketed 2 eben 45

Latest weekly ads

WINE-DERFUL SANGRIA Dark Horse, f/ Riondo or Cupcake sn etd TD 798. NC aol CABERNET ‘Apothic or = 19 Crimes 8 selected 750 ml == Meiomi, Decoy Kim Crawford, or Juggernaut Woodbridge Ruffino or Simi sete 750 sekete Ser seted 750 mt 17% 9% 13% —_______] LIN THE DE Sparking Water UY © econ Dasani Water Sparkling Ice 24 pack Caffeine ape {6 Site botes suman hm 399 283 Hoist Science Starbucks of Hydration Icelandic Nitro Cold Brew Flavored Water Glacial Water or Iced Latte selected 6 ot Gpacki6 orbortes selected 98 et 283 P3A_090722 6% 256 OFFERS GOOD WITH CARD. AND NOT BAD WITHOUT IT. Sierra Nevada, ‘SweetWater or Topo Chico repack Iorbotes or cane 15°? Vizzy, Lone River or ‘Simply Spiked selected pack iozcans 15° Corona, Modelo or Heineken selected 8 pack I2ozbotes arcane Yuengling selected 24 pck Iortortes or cane Laenglng Ultra lected 18,200 24pack (Rar botes or cane 19° Lipton Iced Tea cect pack 169 oxboties 2511 = Pepsi g Products seketed 2 eben 45

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