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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

=— = y, Fully Cooked S 7 Com Tops Baby Back Ribs \ . ‘toni bby we Beate, oc isapera hear ‘any bourbon a abn Hood Frou OUR BAKERY Pulled Pork or be ae ned Chicken Barbecue sect er North Carolina Grown ‘Sweet Potatoes us. 4 amp Adells pears kr Fully Cooked ; — Texas Pete Chicken Macaroni = Barbecue Sausage Salad Ors Potato Salad J Sauce sekctd ot rrowourocu eg Row oun oc ap meee 59 4s 4% Eo Ela 5m Gory te rh Vlasic Glory SEASONED =o Black Bean Saeed Side Dishes neg Srtsve QIEaEGHOR ’ a) ec — . ce — Gea) ec 52 ee ‘selected 145-15 07 4 ‘selected 15.5 oz ms DIGITAL COUPONS r I I Star's Chicken, SALEPRICE a Be | sweence = 585 2 | swepnice 2) EegorHam Salad @ gy oi Eien & Path Of Life ] i — = Quinoa riNaL price 4) / FINALPRICE &9/ FINAL PRICE 287 Pea 090722

Latest weekly ads

=— = y, Fully Cooked S 7 Com Tops Baby Back Ribs \ . ‘toni bby we Beate, oc isapera hear ‘any bourbon a abn Hood Frou OUR BAKERY Pulled Pork or be ae ned Chicken Barbecue sect er North Carolina Grown ‘Sweet Potatoes us. 4 amp Adells pears kr Fully Cooked ; — Texas Pete Chicken Macaroni = Barbecue Sausage Salad Ors Potato Salad J Sauce sekctd ot rrowourocu eg Row oun oc ap meee 59 4s 4% Eo Ela 5m Gory te rh Vlasic Glory SEASONED =o Black Bean Saeed Side Dishes neg Srtsve QIEaEGHOR ’ a) ec — . ce — Gea) ec 52 ee ‘selected 145-15 07 4 ‘selected 15.5 oz ms DIGITAL COUPONS r I I Star's Chicken, SALEPRICE a Be | sweence = 585 2 | swepnice 2) EegorHam Salad @ gy oi Eien & Path Of Life ] i — = Quinoa riNaL price 4) / FINALPRICE &9/ FINAL PRICE 287 Pea 090722

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