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Remke Markets is a regional supermarket chain based in Florence, Kentucky. The full-service supermarkets have a bakery, wine and spirits, deli, floral, meat and seafood, produce, specialty, and more departments, and offer bespoke catering for small and large groups.
In 1897, William Remke founded the company that would become Remke Markets as a meat market in Covington, Kentucky. Remke Markets' ownership stayed in the family until 1996 when Bill Remke transferred the majority stock ownership to the company's employees. In 2010, Remke Markets bought six Bigg's locations, renovated them to remove the general merchandise, and renamed them Remke Markets Bigg's. In 2013, they dropped Bigg’s name and renamed all six stores Remke Markets. Bigg's was a chain of hypermarkets in southern Ohio that sold groceries, clothing, general merchandise, lumber, furniture, jewelry, electronics, housewares, and more. In February 2017, Generative Growth LLC acquired Remke Markets, and Generative Growth's affiliate, Fresh Encounter, Inc., started running Remke Markets. Since then, Generative Growth has closed four Remke Markets locations. As of 2021, Remke Markets has six stores.
The Remke Markets website has printable and digital coupons you can clip and save for use in stores. Just sign in to your account, navigate to their Digital Coupons page, and select the 'clip and save' option under each item you want. You can also access Remke coupons at or by using the app. And don't forget to sign up for the Remke Rewards card, which gives you access to special deals, discounts, and "buy one get one" deals.
In March 2019, Remke Markets closed its Hebron, Cincinnati location. It was the fourth Remke store to close since Fresh Encounter Inc. bought the formerly family-owned grocery chain in February 2017.
Remke Markets is committed to helping its local communities. They donate 2% of every purchase of their rewards cardholders through their Caring Neighbor program to schools, churches, and other nonprofits. And once a year, the Remke Charitable Foundation, Inc. hosts the Remke Charity Golf Classic to raise money to benefit The Point/Arc of Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati Children's, Cincinnati Arts and Technology Center, and Alex's Lemonade Stand (Formerly Malia's Cord Foundation).
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