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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

_IN-FOR A SOUP-RISE Bunch Celery fresh crisp Ie Grass Fed Ground Beet 699 ea Wer USDA Select Angus B) New York Strip Steaks tomy ek 10° IY Focaccia Bread e [nape cheddar, sign ove <3 fuesh ‘oma tomato, bel pepper parmesan oc fresh spinach eta ‘FROM OUR BAKERY ie SRUSAGEWORKS nner inks rope sausage ‘ald in 191 packages for $8.49, Parmesan Cheese salected So FROM OUR DEU _5e We're adding all of our savings to the pot for one souper supper! Lowes Foods All Natural Fresh __Shicken Breasts > family pack Lowes Foods Organic Bronze Cut Pasta selected 6 02 284 Hunt's Tomato Sauce selected Sor I 2193 + 2 large fixin’s + 6 mini yeast rolls or 4 ct. cornbread P7A 090722 Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce selected 45-240 3% Mighty Spark Ground Chicken or Turkey Patties seketes roc Lowes Foods Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or Shiels & cheese r =) =~ Ba Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner salected 55-1250 2/83 Screamin’ Sicilian Pizza selected 1825-2502 ff Realgood “2 9g Eniree RBs og Dinner wate =gp" 258 Cook*Able Meal Kits ii, 1699-22. = 1) (OFF. JUONE | FINAL [ PRICE OFFERS GOOD WITH CARD. AND NOT BAD WITHOUT IT. 2)

Latest weekly ads

_IN-FOR A SOUP-RISE Bunch Celery fresh crisp Ie Grass Fed Ground Beet 699 ea Wer USDA Select Angus B) New York Strip Steaks tomy ek 10° IY Focaccia Bread e [nape cheddar, sign ove <3 fuesh ‘oma tomato, bel pepper parmesan oc fresh spinach eta ‘FROM OUR BAKERY ie SRUSAGEWORKS nner inks rope sausage ‘ald in 191 packages for $8.49, Parmesan Cheese salected So FROM OUR DEU _5e We're adding all of our savings to the pot for one souper supper! Lowes Foods All Natural Fresh __Shicken Breasts > family pack Lowes Foods Organic Bronze Cut Pasta selected 6 02 284 Hunt's Tomato Sauce selected Sor I 2193 + 2 large fixin’s + 6 mini yeast rolls or 4 ct. cornbread P7A 090722 Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce selected 45-240 3% Mighty Spark Ground Chicken or Turkey Patties seketes roc Lowes Foods Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or Shiels & cheese r =) =~ Ba Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner salected 55-1250 2/83 Screamin’ Sicilian Pizza selected 1825-2502 ff Realgood “2 9g Eniree RBs og Dinner wate =gp" 258 Cook*Able Meal Kits ii, 1699-22. = 1) (OFF. JUONE | FINAL [ PRICE OFFERS GOOD WITH CARD. AND NOT BAD WITHOUT IT. 2)

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