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Current weekly ad Food 4 Less - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food 4 Less 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

\w Foon<iLess. Avocados or Large Mangos Boneless Sirloin Tip Fresh Perdue Chicken ¢ Milanesa Steaks a Drumsticks, Thighs 9 9 ‘or Bottom Round Roasts - or Whole Fryers u « Bone-In, No Antibiotics Ever ] sate] Extra Large EZ Peel Shri 2125 et or Large Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, 31-40 ct; Raw, Sold in a 2 lb Bag for $1198 5.99.. S Kroger Gala, Fuji or ) Granny Smith Apples 5 lb Bag 4.99 Coca-Cola, Kellogg's Giant Size Cere: Select Varieties, 192-295 o2 EA With Digital Coupon Price witht aa pen sup S43 ead. Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat Select Varieties, 75-9 oz (3.49. With Digital Coupon itt ia cme sup tS ec ‘Smithfield Bacon Select Varieties, 16 oz ot Saree) Sea =z. Limit 8 Packages $3.49... Wen outuy der marine sme tasacion, antes tan repo 688 ch. Dori £1075 07 or Lay's Modelo, Corona, Gaoe {| Heineken, Stella Artois or Ruffles, 725-10.25 02; or Pacifico Select Varieties . Select Varieties, 12-Pack $ te 112-12 fl oz Botties or Cans 4/10 | 14.99 en yeubu 4 morte samen. nies tan ae wt S49 ech. On STNG Strawberries ‘Ib Package 9 EA With Digital Coupon hoa dt coupon sup o 259 ea purchases Prices Effective: Wednesday, March 19 | ‘While supplies last. No substitutions. ©Copyright 2025 Food4Less. Sales tax collected on all taxable items. Not available at through Tuesday, March 25, 2025 all stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities while supplies last. Not responsible for typographical errors. B01 2507_FLMWM

Latest weekly ads

\w Foon<iLess. Avocados or Large Mangos Boneless Sirloin Tip Fresh Perdue Chicken ¢ Milanesa Steaks a Drumsticks, Thighs 9 9 ‘or Bottom Round Roasts - or Whole Fryers u « Bone-In, No Antibiotics Ever ] sate] Extra Large EZ Peel Shri 2125 et or Large Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, 31-40 ct; Raw, Sold in a 2 lb Bag for $1198 5.99.. S Kroger Gala, Fuji or ) Granny Smith Apples 5 lb Bag 4.99 Coca-Cola, Kellogg's Giant Size Cere: Select Varieties, 192-295 o2 EA With Digital Coupon Price witht aa pen sup S43 ead. Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat Select Varieties, 75-9 oz (3.49. With Digital Coupon itt ia cme sup tS ec ‘Smithfield Bacon Select Varieties, 16 oz ot Saree) Sea =z. Limit 8 Packages $3.49... Wen outuy der marine sme tasacion, antes tan repo 688 ch. Dori £1075 07 or Lay's Modelo, Corona, Gaoe {| Heineken, Stella Artois or Ruffles, 725-10.25 02; or Pacifico Select Varieties . Select Varieties, 12-Pack $ te 112-12 fl oz Botties or Cans 4/10 | 14.99 en yeubu 4 morte samen. nies tan ae wt S49 ech. On STNG Strawberries ‘Ib Package 9 EA With Digital Coupon hoa dt coupon sup o 259 ea purchases Prices Effective: Wednesday, March 19 | ‘While supplies last. No substitutions. ©Copyright 2025 Food4Less. Sales tax collected on all taxable items. Not available at through Tuesday, March 25, 2025 all stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities while supplies last. Not responsible for typographical errors. B01 2507_FLMWM

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