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Current weekly ad Super Saver - Labor Day - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Super Saver 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Prices Elective Wednesday, August St Through Testa, September 6h, 2022 SUPER SAVER LABOR DAY Es = Tuition Pan 0’ Gold Misty’s $ 08 Hamburger Buns Seasonings Select Varieties, 12 ct. Select Varieties, 24 oz. Black Canyon Angus Boneless Beef Approximate 10 Lb. Roll | Ribeye Steak Value Pack 80% Lean Ground Beef [WauePocks 578m Sma Pooks S230] Lb. or Ribeye Roast Lb. mae ( a LI t ti ‘ Tm 4 mM «sell — = >>> p~. VE ~ a nan daa IN Frito Lay I King’s Hawaiian Party Size Hiland Original Hawaiian The Little Potato Company Snacks Sour Cream Sweet Rolls Creamer Potatoes Select Varieties, 812-18 0 Select Varies, 1602. et. Select Varieties, 1 Lb. Pig. Nabisco Snack Crackers Select Varieties, 35-902 or Ritz Crackers Beer Select Varieties, 8.8 137 oz Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selec Varieties, 8 pk/20 oz. Bottles

Latest weekly ads

Prices Elective Wednesday, August St Through Testa, September 6h, 2022 SUPER SAVER LABOR DAY Es = Tuition Pan 0’ Gold Misty’s $ 08 Hamburger Buns Seasonings Select Varieties, 12 ct. Select Varieties, 24 oz. Black Canyon Angus Boneless Beef Approximate 10 Lb. Roll | Ribeye Steak Value Pack 80% Lean Ground Beef [WauePocks 578m Sma Pooks S230] Lb. or Ribeye Roast Lb. mae ( a LI t ti ‘ Tm 4 mM «sell — = >>> p~. VE ~ a nan daa IN Frito Lay I King’s Hawaiian Party Size Hiland Original Hawaiian The Little Potato Company Snacks Sour Cream Sweet Rolls Creamer Potatoes Select Varieties, 812-18 0 Select Varies, 1602. et. Select Varieties, 1 Lb. Pig. Nabisco Snack Crackers Select Varieties, 35-902 or Ritz Crackers Beer Select Varieties, 8.8 137 oz Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selec Varieties, 8 pk/20 oz. Bottles

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