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Current weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home - Valid from 09/28 to 10/09 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home 09/28/2022 - 10/09/2022


Products in this weekly ad

aa wy BASICS Dog EGod L ced 23°° 13°° Farm Table® Country Lane® Natural Basics 18% Puppy Food Protein Dog Food 18 Ibs. Chicken 40 lbs. meal & rice. 107368744 10001370 a = CONE AA AIA) FORMULA t Pitas, 23° 23° CountryLane® 9Lives Daily Cat & Kitten Essentials Food Cat Food 40 Ibs. 28 Ibs. 107344285, 100015741 vill Tap 2 o ¢ aan eS taniaseee S - 799 Meow Mix Original ag cae Food All Suet, Seed Cakes & Seed ade BE Tol aievael Es 2 Wonder® Dog Food |Kmaaaae Pets ert 12.702. — Sunflower _ Tre om Pes rrr) Reg. 19.99 = 23° 6° Gravy Train Farm Table® Small Bonus Bag Breed Dog Food <a Gus PECs ered Dog Food 5 lbs. Chicken & oatmeal. Ps i ae 15% OFF at — {bo0e0a2. RL All Kong Dog & Cat Toys ESR zat ECS Rr stcs Reg. 13.99 + 100015742 Bars from Pine Tree Farms' Farm Table® Natural © Cat Food Country Lane® Easy Clean Feed & Storage 4 ‘ e : e LY Sibs. Chicken meal & rice. ScoopableLitter Cedar Bedding Container 20% OFF 40 Ibs. pease beceees scr a2 seltons: PMC Bee bac 18 Ibs. 23°° 101083538 Reg. 1199 clean nesting area. 100034360 Reg. 32.99 100007150... 101958337 Reg. 1199 ‘Sale prices good September 28 - October 9, 2022. 92822_3T_AAOL

Latest weekly ads

aa wy BASICS Dog EGod L ced 23°° 13°° Farm Table® Country Lane® Natural Basics 18% Puppy Food Protein Dog Food 18 Ibs. Chicken 40 lbs. meal & rice. 107368744 10001370 a = CONE AA AIA) FORMULA t Pitas, 23° 23° CountryLane® 9Lives Daily Cat & Kitten Essentials Food Cat Food 40 Ibs. 28 Ibs. 107344285, 100015741 vill Tap 2 o ¢ aan eS taniaseee S - 799 Meow Mix Original ag cae Food All Suet, Seed Cakes & Seed ade BE Tol aievael Es 2 Wonder® Dog Food |Kmaaaae Pets ert 12.702. — Sunflower _ Tre om Pes rrr) Reg. 19.99 = 23° 6° Gravy Train Farm Table® Small Bonus Bag Breed Dog Food <a Gus PECs ered Dog Food 5 lbs. Chicken & oatmeal. Ps i ae 15% OFF at — {bo0e0a2. RL All Kong Dog & Cat Toys ESR zat ECS Rr stcs Reg. 13.99 + 100015742 Bars from Pine Tree Farms' Farm Table® Natural © Cat Food Country Lane® Easy Clean Feed & Storage 4 ‘ e : e LY Sibs. Chicken meal & rice. ScoopableLitter Cedar Bedding Container 20% OFF 40 Ibs. pease beceees scr a2 seltons: PMC Bee bac 18 Ibs. 23°° 101083538 Reg. 1199 clean nesting area. 100034360 Reg. 32.99 100007150... 101958337 Reg. 1199 ‘Sale prices good September 28 - October 9, 2022. 92822_3T_AAOL

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