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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 12/14 to 12/20 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 12/14/2021 - 12/20/2021


Products in this weekly ad

Fully Cooked by Back Rib: smn aga ey bute o Rabi ond J Lowes Foods Kraft Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or Velveeta Shells, Crav'n Flavor or Shels& Cheese Dinner 2/54 & Cheese Diner 287 Macaroni & Cheese 649 aA Mashed Sweet Potatoes y Potatoes calderot N.C. Grown |FROM OUR DELL .~ 4 SS SAUSAGEWORKS aga oo tresh smoked susage in ~~ 99% Crisp Green Gener ks rope Cabbage sausage ld in L198 farm rest packages for $649 08 4°9 —— 79% Cavatappi Macaroni & Cheese hetorcl FrowtouRoeu 5% Sugardale Hot Dogs eee 2583 Pulled Pork or Chicken Bob Evans Side Dishes selected 2-24 oe 48 Mone C—- Bin = Marie Callender’s. Si Fe Corn Bread Mix ee ae sect ar ‘uur 2 o1oTaL coUPONS [ SALE PRICE 2 QUPON aR FINAL PRICE Lowes Foods Garlic Bread, Texas Toast or Breadsticks 36 saleted 05-1 2 i : 1a ; ae | Lowes Foods T Entrees a os Cabot Bar, Cracker Cut or Sliced Cheese saletes7-Bo2 256 Kraft Dressing saleted 41602 255 Grass Fed 93% Lean Ground Beef 62 Poa_091422

Latest weekly ads

Fully Cooked by Back Rib: smn aga ey bute o Rabi ond J Lowes Foods Kraft Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or Velveeta Shells, Crav'n Flavor or Shels& Cheese Dinner 2/54 & Cheese Diner 287 Macaroni & Cheese 649 aA Mashed Sweet Potatoes y Potatoes calderot N.C. Grown |FROM OUR DELL .~ 4 SS SAUSAGEWORKS aga oo tresh smoked susage in ~~ 99% Crisp Green Gener ks rope Cabbage sausage ld in L198 farm rest packages for $649 08 4°9 —— 79% Cavatappi Macaroni & Cheese hetorcl FrowtouRoeu 5% Sugardale Hot Dogs eee 2583 Pulled Pork or Chicken Bob Evans Side Dishes selected 2-24 oe 48 Mone C—- Bin = Marie Callender’s. Si Fe Corn Bread Mix ee ae sect ar ‘uur 2 o1oTaL coUPONS [ SALE PRICE 2 QUPON aR FINAL PRICE Lowes Foods Garlic Bread, Texas Toast or Breadsticks 36 saleted 05-1 2 i : 1a ; ae | Lowes Foods T Entrees a os Cabot Bar, Cracker Cut or Sliced Cheese saletes7-Bo2 256 Kraft Dressing saleted 41602 255 Grass Fed 93% Lean Ground Beef 62 Poa_091422

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