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Current weekly ad King Kullen - Valid from 08/19 to 08/25 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad King Kullen 08/19/2022 - 08/25/2022


Products in this weekly ad 7 ~ ¥, 7 Day Sale Starts - August 19th- h- Thursday, August 25th ‘ America’s First & Long Island's Own! @ “antl cr «Family Owned & Operated for Over 92 Years WIS Ly a -- America's First Supermarket "INGREDIENTS: © 15%-2 pounds Flank Steak * Ye cup olive olf ¥4 cup balsamic vinegar © '/s Cup Soy Sauce © 2 tablespoom lemon juice DIRECTIONS: Put all marinade ingredients in a bow! and whisk together until completely combined. Take Flank Steak and pat dry with paper towel. Place steak in large plastic bag and pour marinade into bag, reserving 2 to 3 tablespoons to use later. Press out excess air and seal bag and massage marinade into steak. Ptace in refrigerator for at least 2 hours or up to 12 hours. When ready to cook, pre-heat gril. Grill steak for 6-7 minutes per side or until + ? lime. yout desire level of doneness. Remove steak and place on LIMIT 2 PER DAY PER HOUSEHOLD WITH AN ADDITIONAL $15 PURCHASE* (Sale Price Without Minimum Purchase $9.99 Ib.) cutting board. Let steak rest for 10 minutes before slicing. “Price of Item Not Included in Minimum Purchase Requirement for any Purchase Peper re ergo and eclaogmnert The additional $15 Slice steak to your liking and drizzle with the reserved purchase is afterall coupons, giftcard purchase, discounts and betore sales tax. Not to be combined with any other King Kullen discount offer. Total before marinade. Serve with your favorite sides. beer, cigarettes, pharmacy, postage stamps and mifr's. coupons. Cannot be combined with any other King Kulien coupons. Discount to be applied at register. Pork Steelhead - , GP§ kind Charcoal Spare Ribs ” Trout Fillet “ or Matchlight Charcoal Wo Soe ef Onan 3 Lb. 12-16 B bag Co Friendly's Sweet NewyJersey a Ice Cream Yellow Peaches sara: a i Ragu — Pasta Sauce 23.9-24 02. jar Limit 3 - 1 Offer ner sr con pct pra mes i an mr cg Cate De antes wy Set Hg Kn ape Dac eed pe ‘BUY 1 GET 2 FREE FINAL SALE PRICE 3/1,29 | Boar's Head ? Campbell's Maple Honey Ham Pork and S 1102. can Limit 6 - 2 Offers. —— Coca Cola 1.25 Itr. btl. Kraft mearetavan DR Salad = ieee y: oe Dressing As Ge a % abe uur 3 a Bo sooo pest pcan es ott sata att net ea ys oy nee aon we ops me Ha C sang an mr congo Cate De comtet w ayoer fn Ken ipen, Dacat W b aped ep | Scan here for ae a5 FREE printable ‘<3 We Gadty Accept internet Printed Coupons. Certain Limits apply. See store for deta or vist www. kinghulen com/CouponPolices at King Kallen Stores. 3 Easy Ways to Shop King Kullen from Home! Visit for more information. step Shipt g* instacart “ pee , » 8 Online Supe package of sale tes Tre 1 Sete gp cae rn te td porn npn yf gre re tn ry tne, oS ia, One KK. 8/19/22 Ver. 182

Latest weekly ads

Advertisement 7 ~ ¥, 7 Day Sale Starts - August 19th- h- Thursday, August 25th ‘ America’s First & Long Island's Own! @ “antl cr «Family Owned & Operated for Over 92 Years WIS Ly a -- America's First Supermarket "INGREDIENTS: © 15%-2 pounds Flank Steak * Ye cup olive olf ¥4 cup balsamic vinegar © '/s Cup Soy Sauce © 2 tablespoom lemon juice DIRECTIONS: Put all marinade ingredients in a bow! and whisk together until completely combined. Take Flank Steak and pat dry with paper towel. Place steak in large plastic bag and pour marinade into bag, reserving 2 to 3 tablespoons to use later. Press out excess air and seal bag and massage marinade into steak. Ptace in refrigerator for at least 2 hours or up to 12 hours. When ready to cook, pre-heat gril. Grill steak for 6-7 minutes per side or until + ? lime. yout desire level of doneness. Remove steak and place on LIMIT 2 PER DAY PER HOUSEHOLD WITH AN ADDITIONAL $15 PURCHASE* (Sale Price Without Minimum Purchase $9.99 Ib.) cutting board. Let steak rest for 10 minutes before slicing. “Price of Item Not Included in Minimum Purchase Requirement for any Purchase Peper re ergo and eclaogmnert The additional $15 Slice steak to your liking and drizzle with the reserved purchase is afterall coupons, giftcard purchase, discounts and betore sales tax. Not to be combined with any other King Kullen discount offer. Total before marinade. Serve with your favorite sides. beer, cigarettes, pharmacy, postage stamps and mifr's. coupons. Cannot be combined with any other King Kulien coupons. Discount to be applied at register. Pork Steelhead - , GP§ kind Charcoal Spare Ribs ” Trout Fillet “ or Matchlight Charcoal Wo Soe ef Onan 3 Lb. 12-16 B bag Co Friendly's Sweet NewyJersey a Ice Cream Yellow Peaches sara: a i Ragu — Pasta Sauce 23.9-24 02. jar Limit 3 - 1 Offer ner sr con pct pra mes i an mr cg Cate De antes wy Set Hg Kn ape Dac eed pe ‘BUY 1 GET 2 FREE FINAL SALE PRICE 3/1,29 | Boar's Head ? Campbell's Maple Honey Ham Pork and S 1102. can Limit 6 - 2 Offers. —— Coca Cola 1.25 Itr. btl. Kraft mearetavan DR Salad = ieee y: oe Dressing As Ge a % abe uur 3 a Bo sooo pest pcan es ott sata att net ea ys oy nee aon we ops me Ha C sang an mr congo Cate De comtet w ayoer fn Ken ipen, Dacat W b aped ep | Scan here for ae a5 FREE printable ‘<3 We Gadty Accept internet Printed Coupons. Certain Limits apply. See store for deta or vist www. kinghulen com/CouponPolices at King Kallen Stores. 3 Easy Ways to Shop King Kullen from Home! Visit for more information. step Shipt g* instacart “ pee , » 8 Online Supe package of sale tes Tre 1 Sete gp cae rn te td porn npn yf gre re tn ry tne, oS ia, One KK. 8/19/22 Ver. 182

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