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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 12/04 to 12/10 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad IGA 12/04/2024 - 12/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

NT IS 17302. end = 15 Qt. Select Varieties == Select Varieties Ben’s Original Edy’s ; Family Size Ice Cream Ready Rice Gea aa (sit) eee a aTEy aa - jst) seme me 5202. — “= 26-2802. 6402. aa Select Varieties ou, . a / Select Varieties Select Varieties ‘Fo ridge | /Orida’s Natural =e we) On-Cor Old Orchard Natura y sturat Juice a= = — Entrées Juice [ — | ee i x 7 ie : IG A | tee wie i mee == carded Gia ow 7 Er i 8-16 Oz. Select Varieties Sviritee oe € Sse ite Tropicana or Country Crock Bi Borden Cheese Twister Plant Butter ae. or Snack Sticks CURA aes seth 7. - COURSE aay I a rset oa | aasaeit mT Rasa - posan sree CU RSAUU as Ta) 18-19 02, Bl. 9 14Lb. Select Varieties Select Varieties . n Select Varieties Progresso Kibbles ‘N Bits ee Gravy Train Soup Dog Food Dog Food ts iui : i i J WITH $2.00 OFF 4 PLURAL aaa | PRA sell eT ay Tea a | ae asst d 5.50z.Can 315 Lb. Act. Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties ps 9 Lives 9 Lives - Lives _.| Cat Food Cat Food Wet Cat Food UR Tee) HOLIDAY 4Lb. Bag Navel Oranges CURR RIAU gas DIGITAL COUPON te “— Russet 379 ‘ Baking Potatoes . 7 Broccoli Crowns au Cantaloupes 399 EA Pineapples 220 EA IGA South - IGA South Page 3

Latest weekly ads

NT IS 17302. end = 15 Qt. Select Varieties == Select Varieties Ben’s Original Edy’s ; Family Size Ice Cream Ready Rice Gea aa (sit) eee a aTEy aa - jst) seme me 5202. — “= 26-2802. 6402. aa Select Varieties ou, . a / Select Varieties Select Varieties ‘Fo ridge | /Orida’s Natural =e we) On-Cor Old Orchard Natura y sturat Juice a= = — Entrées Juice [ — | ee i x 7 ie : IG A | tee wie i mee == carded Gia ow 7 Er i 8-16 Oz. Select Varieties Sviritee oe € Sse ite Tropicana or Country Crock Bi Borden Cheese Twister Plant Butter ae. or Snack Sticks CURA aes seth 7. - COURSE aay I a rset oa | aasaeit mT Rasa - posan sree CU RSAUU as Ta) 18-19 02, Bl. 9 14Lb. Select Varieties Select Varieties . n Select Varieties Progresso Kibbles ‘N Bits ee Gravy Train Soup Dog Food Dog Food ts iui : i i J WITH $2.00 OFF 4 PLURAL aaa | PRA sell eT ay Tea a | ae asst d 5.50z.Can 315 Lb. Act. Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties ps 9 Lives 9 Lives - Lives _.| Cat Food Cat Food Wet Cat Food UR Tee) HOLIDAY 4Lb. Bag Navel Oranges CURR RIAU gas DIGITAL COUPON te “— Russet 379 ‘ Baking Potatoes . 7 Broccoli Crowns au Cantaloupes 399 EA Pineapples 220 EA IGA South - IGA South Page 3

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