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Current weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets - Valid from 01/15 to 01/21 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets 01/15/2025 - 01/21/2025


Products in this weekly ad

ae >= an Instant Potato Pouch, Cup or Classico Pasta Sauce Folgers, Dunkin’ or Café Bustelo Coffee 10-12 ct Casserole }.5-4.1 oz 15-2402 pods or Dunkin’ coffee 10-12 02 bag Save upto 31¢ ave up to $2.11 Save w ZATARAINS | 98 ¢ - $ & $ a & S A ‘SG j = we je Naat —s All Purpose or rady Rice 6-8.8 02 0% as Unbdle. Flour or i Mix 7-8 02 ‘StarKist Chunk Light Th a sous Vel sous Martha White Corn Meal Mix 5 (b Dole Fruit Bowls 4c: 0: SE Grocers Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Jelly, Jam or Marmalade 18 0 01 2 NotCo Not Mayo Sor TT ee eo ey - ' r Kellogg's Town House or Toasteds Crackers @ 7-1) 02 = S-) 4 ie Bir — cr eee Birds Lye Vegetable: cror | trish Spring Bar Soap 8 ct or Mare ‘Bowls 10.51) 30: | Sel Mand Soap Refill 50 or range, Grapelruit, Cocktail or Stor LD oessrnn Know & Love Butter Sticks Yor Oree Novelties 4-5 ct or Senuckers Uncrustables 4 ct s 123551 Birds Eye Voila Dinners <2 0: oF 's Family Size Seniors save 5% every Tuesday remit ESR All prices valid with Rew: |

Latest weekly ads

ae >= an Instant Potato Pouch, Cup or Classico Pasta Sauce Folgers, Dunkin’ or Café Bustelo Coffee 10-12 ct Casserole }.5-4.1 oz 15-2402 pods or Dunkin’ coffee 10-12 02 bag Save upto 31¢ ave up to $2.11 Save w ZATARAINS | 98 ¢ - $ & $ a & S A ‘SG j = we je Naat —s All Purpose or rady Rice 6-8.8 02 0% as Unbdle. Flour or i Mix 7-8 02 ‘StarKist Chunk Light Th a sous Vel sous Martha White Corn Meal Mix 5 (b Dole Fruit Bowls 4c: 0: SE Grocers Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Jelly, Jam or Marmalade 18 0 01 2 NotCo Not Mayo Sor TT ee eo ey - ' r Kellogg's Town House or Toasteds Crackers @ 7-1) 02 = S-) 4 ie Bir — cr eee Birds Lye Vegetable: cror | trish Spring Bar Soap 8 ct or Mare ‘Bowls 10.51) 30: | Sel Mand Soap Refill 50 or range, Grapelruit, Cocktail or Stor LD oessrnn Know & Love Butter Sticks Yor Oree Novelties 4-5 ct or Senuckers Uncrustables 4 ct s 123551 Birds Eye Voila Dinners <2 0: oF 's Family Size Seniors save 5% every Tuesday remit ESR All prices valid with Rew: |

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