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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

{Italian vial Sale Price Py Salad Dressings With Digital Coupon 2/85 -Sion2 Kraft Salad Dressings $399 New York Texas Toast Croutons Comed Beef Hash Sale Price Le EK) Armour DE Tela Ey) 27$4. IGA Chunk Chicken Breast 5 oz 5 Sale Price 2/$4 With Digital Coupon “$1 on 2 14.5-24 oz 2402 Chicken of the Sea Campbell's Hungry Jack Tuna in Water Chunky or Homestyle Mashed Potaotes 28 oz 3 2s Sale Price $599 35.3 02 $q49 2002 15.3 oz 16 oz Folgers Bakery Fresh Pillsbury Kelloggs Coffee Bensons Creme Cakes Cake Mix Rice Krispie Treats (Excludes Country Roast (Excludes Funfetti & Sugar and Decaf) Free) 15.25 oz 5 Glen re WS 16ct Quaker Chewy Granola Bars Sale Price ‘$8.49 115-128 02 Sale Price 2/S7 as5 With Digital Coupon $1 on 2 as PE Sot ibon © 88-13702 Tide ‘Simply Laundry Detergent Downy With Digital Coupon -$1.50 Ss Tea SE Ocean Spray Juices (Excludes 100% Juice) Cottonelle Bath Tissue $699 6 Mega Roll 562? '8 Mega Roll White House Apple Juice $499 128 oz Pepsi Products 6 pk 1/2 Ltr Bottles Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Rice Krispies Kellogg's Honey Smacks of Frosted Flakes Kellogg's Corn Pops, Apple Jacks or Froot Loops Coke Products 6 pk 1/2 Ltr Bottles PUT TN A SFT) ge Pepperidge Farm That’s Smart — American Sandwich € 1 Slices Se 99 10.6602 José O16 Daisy] Kretschmar Mini Tacos or D: Cottage Cheese . Mild Cheddar Tae commaces Sale Price 2s7|| gS es Sess $599 With Digital Coupon q- $598 162-22.5 02 a 2hoz I 2 Roma Azteca Hot & Delicious P Pizzas —_ Flour Tortilla Rotisserie Chicken A 5 er be $a69 sees Te Ge 2 4" Eee] i bce 8 Ore Ida Gordo's Chicken Wings Fries or Tater Tots Cheese Dip = igadiae werk [ = » Aeon hae a fae Price $5.99 oi] $ % A Parmesan) i * 399 16 Colliders Bakery Fresh 99¢ Cool Crsip Sweet Cucumbers Onions S 79¢| #379 3b Bag Farmers Finest Stoplight iumbo Green || or 48a Peppers Peppers a (Red, Yellow, Green) $399 Hyrdo Bibb Lettuce Juicy Sweet Seedless White Grapes $429 to Fresh Blueberries ‘ $399 Turnovers Brownies i Sale Price 2188 ITED Vin vipat coupon -si on? 99 meres 428 1250 _ To Bor Edy’s Turkey Hill 12” Chocolate Ice Cream Tea Chip Message Cookie 254 $10°° 3b bag ~ Gala ry) Apples woh $369 3UbBog rf Glass Jug =. Fresh Apple Cider} 1 ; $629 16a All Grants Supermarkets honor WIC vouchers and Federal food stamps! We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. No sales to dealers.

Latest weekly ads

{Italian vial Sale Price Py Salad Dressings With Digital Coupon 2/85 -Sion2 Kraft Salad Dressings $399 New York Texas Toast Croutons Comed Beef Hash Sale Price Le EK) Armour DE Tela Ey) 27$4. IGA Chunk Chicken Breast 5 oz 5 Sale Price 2/$4 With Digital Coupon “$1 on 2 14.5-24 oz 2402 Chicken of the Sea Campbell's Hungry Jack Tuna in Water Chunky or Homestyle Mashed Potaotes 28 oz 3 2s Sale Price $599 35.3 02 $q49 2002 15.3 oz 16 oz Folgers Bakery Fresh Pillsbury Kelloggs Coffee Bensons Creme Cakes Cake Mix Rice Krispie Treats (Excludes Country Roast (Excludes Funfetti & Sugar and Decaf) Free) 15.25 oz 5 Glen re WS 16ct Quaker Chewy Granola Bars Sale Price ‘$8.49 115-128 02 Sale Price 2/S7 as5 With Digital Coupon $1 on 2 as PE Sot ibon © 88-13702 Tide ‘Simply Laundry Detergent Downy With Digital Coupon -$1.50 Ss Tea SE Ocean Spray Juices (Excludes 100% Juice) Cottonelle Bath Tissue $699 6 Mega Roll 562? '8 Mega Roll White House Apple Juice $499 128 oz Pepsi Products 6 pk 1/2 Ltr Bottles Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Rice Krispies Kellogg's Honey Smacks of Frosted Flakes Kellogg's Corn Pops, Apple Jacks or Froot Loops Coke Products 6 pk 1/2 Ltr Bottles PUT TN A SFT) ge Pepperidge Farm That’s Smart — American Sandwich € 1 Slices Se 99 10.6602 José O16 Daisy] Kretschmar Mini Tacos or D: Cottage Cheese . Mild Cheddar Tae commaces Sale Price 2s7|| gS es Sess $599 With Digital Coupon q- $598 162-22.5 02 a 2hoz I 2 Roma Azteca Hot & Delicious P Pizzas —_ Flour Tortilla Rotisserie Chicken A 5 er be $a69 sees Te Ge 2 4" Eee] i bce 8 Ore Ida Gordo's Chicken Wings Fries or Tater Tots Cheese Dip = igadiae werk [ = » Aeon hae a fae Price $5.99 oi] $ % A Parmesan) i * 399 16 Colliders Bakery Fresh 99¢ Cool Crsip Sweet Cucumbers Onions S 79¢| #379 3b Bag Farmers Finest Stoplight iumbo Green || or 48a Peppers Peppers a (Red, Yellow, Green) $399 Hyrdo Bibb Lettuce Juicy Sweet Seedless White Grapes $429 to Fresh Blueberries ‘ $399 Turnovers Brownies i Sale Price 2188 ITED Vin vipat coupon -si on? 99 meres 428 1250 _ To Bor Edy’s Turkey Hill 12” Chocolate Ice Cream Tea Chip Message Cookie 254 $10°° 3b bag ~ Gala ry) Apples woh $369 3UbBog rf Glass Jug =. Fresh Apple Cider} 1 ; $629 16a All Grants Supermarkets honor WIC vouchers and Federal food stamps! We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. No sales to dealers.

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