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Current weekly ad El Super - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad El Super 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ri Family Pack a hoy , . age eg Sas ‘Mazes ne 43.70 02. 18 C1. a - r = GaSttas Saladas Botanas ; y y PEry : = $100.0 woe ei-J (WHEW ¥ A ———— | 3 ao alae faders 90. F \atechen for 15.2 0x fetes Ratios Picea Kern's bo Lf Ste ‘cs ) = vd 7 >: = a sor —=_ Nectar Veneta Cetra 11.5 O2 \ ony \ Water =. “ie 10.402 ea Niagara ooo atin b 24 Pk, SUter 19.7 Oz. Box Sliced =< aT Cation Bottles Agaa Galletas eon mee : * on | La Morena F de Olle ‘ ze | Ea taped my c ‘Gee | Cite Jalapeno Catt | en Rajas tastantsneo a3 ‘ape (YQ29) re ” cy =. SF | jazer 2002.Pan a | Botana Hr 4 ie e Ce G a cay QM its QT: ae 529 16.9 02 ao 26527502 \ Galletas Botanas Tostadas | 7 vawoer Tae ca z. y Testa : ee j | 128 07 Napkins Simply Melody 99 Detergent 180.Ct ) Tide Limpiador Serviletas 115-128 Oz. eacopweremca. Detergente Me adi e, * Raid road a 17502 Matacucarachas jorrnigas / oR A J La Croix 8 Pk. 12 Ov. Cans Retrescos — neo eae ae neh YOU seo "| | Fabric ; a $699 | a 105-120 02 "> Body Armor ‘ \ cy) AG trim wre 5 ter “gee seme : Retrescos S Jarritos 2 Liters Retrescos 11,6-12 Oz. Retrescos Total $99 isteraadees (Oy Sour Cream 49 — 10 c * Ze 14 Oz. Crema Agria foe Ei en a Fruit Nectars a Kern's 59 02 Horchata o Néctar de Frutas All prone Cheese Premium 388 Bar-S 2°9 tone so Oe Queso Toda Variedad Max Fresh 6 Oz. Pasta Dentat Blended bey rr 90.02, Yogurt Yogurt Flips Chodani Grade A 9 4.5.02. Yogurt Griego 20 Ct a \ Huevos Medianos Shredded Cheese Borden 802 1 Lit Enjeague Queso Raitado | | Buca G19) en wera 8Pk Yogurt Bebiole Orange Juice Donald Duck 59.02 Jogo de Narang ALBUQUERQUE

Latest weekly ads

ri Family Pack a hoy , . age eg Sas ‘Mazes ne 43.70 02. 18 C1. a - r = GaSttas Saladas Botanas ; y y PEry : = $100.0 woe ei-J (WHEW ¥ A ———— | 3 ao alae faders 90. F \atechen for 15.2 0x fetes Ratios Picea Kern's bo Lf Ste ‘cs ) = vd 7 >: = a sor —=_ Nectar Veneta Cetra 11.5 O2 \ ony \ Water =. “ie 10.402 ea Niagara ooo atin b 24 Pk, SUter 19.7 Oz. Box Sliced =< aT Cation Bottles Agaa Galletas eon mee : * on | La Morena F de Olle ‘ ze | Ea taped my c ‘Gee | Cite Jalapeno Catt | en Rajas tastantsneo a3 ‘ape (YQ29) re ” cy =. SF | jazer 2002.Pan a | Botana Hr 4 ie e Ce G a cay QM its QT: ae 529 16.9 02 ao 26527502 \ Galletas Botanas Tostadas | 7 vawoer Tae ca z. y Testa : ee j | 128 07 Napkins Simply Melody 99 Detergent 180.Ct ) Tide Limpiador Serviletas 115-128 Oz. eacopweremca. Detergente Me adi e, * Raid road a 17502 Matacucarachas jorrnigas / oR A J La Croix 8 Pk. 12 Ov. Cans Retrescos — neo eae ae neh YOU seo "| | Fabric ; a $699 | a 105-120 02 "> Body Armor ‘ \ cy) AG trim wre 5 ter “gee seme : Retrescos S Jarritos 2 Liters Retrescos 11,6-12 Oz. Retrescos Total $99 isteraadees (Oy Sour Cream 49 — 10 c * Ze 14 Oz. Crema Agria foe Ei en a Fruit Nectars a Kern's 59 02 Horchata o Néctar de Frutas All prone Cheese Premium 388 Bar-S 2°9 tone so Oe Queso Toda Variedad Max Fresh 6 Oz. Pasta Dentat Blended bey rr 90.02, Yogurt Yogurt Flips Chodani Grade A 9 4.5.02. Yogurt Griego 20 Ct a \ Huevos Medianos Shredded Cheese Borden 802 1 Lit Enjeague Queso Raitado | | Buca G19) en wera 8Pk Yogurt Bebiole Orange Juice Donald Duck 59.02 Jogo de Narang ALBUQUERQUE

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