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Current weekly ad Dollar General - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Dollar General 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

$345 sac DOLLAR GENERAL Save time. Save money. Every day.’ Tarbee’s® Cough Syrup + Mucus Vicks® DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ Severe Liquid Mucinex® Caplets, Tablets or Liquigels. Astepro” Allergy Nasal Spray $ Daytime or Nighttime or Cough 4-12 oz. or Liquicaps™ 8-24 ct. Reg. $5-$10.95 6-20 ct., Liquid 6 02., Nasal Spray .75 02. or Adult .14-.37 oz. or Children’s Syrup + Immune Daytime 4 02. Mini Melts 12 ct. Reg. $6.75-$14.95 W407. Reg. $6.25-$15 it ens ST . cE Ly chil ASTEPRO” AtteRGY z= bo) ues @ ‘ough ; Sprung SS ae Tar ARES g TARBEES 4) bugh Syrup+ ~ _ ASTEPRO @® —Attercy ‘ough Syrup+ Dulcolax Tele Chews or tes Qunol® UitraCodI0 a $650 == $5 ° i Bes Kb gar igual 02. or Turmeric Capsules Kate Emetrol® Nausea Relief Oh Good!” Gummy Vitamins and Supplements 30-50 ct. New at DG Reg. S57 7 Cystexe Unisom: sleep Tablets 16-80 ct. or Sleep Gels UTI Pain Relief + 32-60 ct. Reg. $6-$13.75 Bacteria Control 24 ct. of Pain Relief + Seen Ai, CystexPM Cystex Reg. $4.75-$5.75 SSE) additional E — Tree ee New & Only at DG u aa DG Lia: co} New at DG Bie ——— me ee swe EEL a Uta EE am /’ ee P od iytec ER GS MEE rics ER rrr MER ye 3950, — 520°) Ci $1275 Omeprazole $1975 joes $985 Pain Rell $TTP95 Gres Cpls 0 ct SWITCH TO SAVE Tablets 28 ct SWITCH TO SAVE = =a coo PLU je] At? » EE poe BE ein: BS pom a ee $440 « Aly lets $149 ce $750 Esomeprazole $7150 Ces $275 » Irfen Tablets $Q95 3 tees SWITCH TO SAVE == © = (Neu) D (Neu) Mini Capsules 14 ct. sale prices effective: September 11-17 * We accept EBT, SNAP and Manufacturer’s Coupons. poiarGeNERAL > rk at All products, styles and colors shown may not be available in all stores. Brands and prices may vary by store. Early sell-out possible on marke special purchase and bonus pack items, and quantities may be otherwise limited. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal retail —_— purchases, No rain checks available. Not responsible for typographical errors. ©2022 Dollar General Corporation. Allrights reserved. i Bmxa) VISA @8R5k = IW43ANID UVTIOG = o Le © Gl 10) $0) oe 2) Oo @O Ss a. o n a

Latest weekly ads

$345 sac DOLLAR GENERAL Save time. Save money. Every day.’ Tarbee’s® Cough Syrup + Mucus Vicks® DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ Severe Liquid Mucinex® Caplets, Tablets or Liquigels. Astepro” Allergy Nasal Spray $ Daytime or Nighttime or Cough 4-12 oz. or Liquicaps™ 8-24 ct. Reg. $5-$10.95 6-20 ct., Liquid 6 02., Nasal Spray .75 02. or Adult .14-.37 oz. or Children’s Syrup + Immune Daytime 4 02. Mini Melts 12 ct. Reg. $6.75-$14.95 W407. Reg. $6.25-$15 it ens ST . cE Ly chil ASTEPRO” AtteRGY z= bo) ues @ ‘ough ; Sprung SS ae Tar ARES g TARBEES 4) bugh Syrup+ ~ _ ASTEPRO @® —Attercy ‘ough Syrup+ Dulcolax Tele Chews or tes Qunol® UitraCodI0 a $650 == $5 ° i Bes Kb gar igual 02. or Turmeric Capsules Kate Emetrol® Nausea Relief Oh Good!” Gummy Vitamins and Supplements 30-50 ct. New at DG Reg. S57 7 Cystexe Unisom: sleep Tablets 16-80 ct. or Sleep Gels UTI Pain Relief + 32-60 ct. Reg. $6-$13.75 Bacteria Control 24 ct. of Pain Relief + Seen Ai, CystexPM Cystex Reg. $4.75-$5.75 SSE) additional E — Tree ee New & Only at DG u aa DG Lia: co} New at DG Bie ——— me ee swe EEL a Uta EE am /’ ee P od iytec ER GS MEE rics ER rrr MER ye 3950, — 520°) Ci $1275 Omeprazole $1975 joes $985 Pain Rell $TTP95 Gres Cpls 0 ct SWITCH TO SAVE Tablets 28 ct SWITCH TO SAVE = =a coo PLU je] At? » EE poe BE ein: BS pom a ee $440 « Aly lets $149 ce $750 Esomeprazole $7150 Ces $275 » Irfen Tablets $Q95 3 tees SWITCH TO SAVE == © = (Neu) D (Neu) Mini Capsules 14 ct. sale prices effective: September 11-17 * We accept EBT, SNAP and Manufacturer’s Coupons. poiarGeNERAL > rk at All products, styles and colors shown may not be available in all stores. Brands and prices may vary by store. Early sell-out possible on marke special purchase and bonus pack items, and quantities may be otherwise limited. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal retail —_— purchases, No rain checks available. Not responsible for typographical errors. ©2022 Dollar General Corporation. Allrights reserved. i Bmxa) VISA @8R5k = IW43ANID UVTIOG = o Le © Gl 10) $0) oe 2) Oo @O Ss a. o n a

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