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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 08/21 to 08/27 - Page nb 14

Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 08/21/2022 - 08/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

$ 2/ 7 02.49 ¢a, 3 /$T7 0 3.99 ea, WITH CARD. BO i 5 é FE L cago SeimyPop pono Gatorade 28 oz. e270 53.02. > i > WITH CARD Monster WITH CARD Energy or NOS 15.5- Assorted 16 02 (excludes Java, Beverages, : Muscle and Hydro). Energy Drinks, Water or Coffees. \ BUY 1GET1 . P Cy 50” OFF WITH CARD Gold Emblem or Gold Emblem abound specialty cashews [ 8-9502. Pons Cay aS { /$ ) BUuYi BUY 1GET1 2/87 2/°7 ey welt % OFF" - or 4.29¢a, 50 50 0r 3.99 ea, WITH CARD Assorted General Mills , oO F F WITH CARD Lay's chips 4.75-8 02 or WITH CARD Family Size cereals 16.1-20.2 02 or WITHCARD Wonderful Doritos 9.25-11.5 02 (excludes Baked Chips Ahoy!7-130z0r Post Honey Bunches Of Oats with WITH CARD Tropicana 10-52 oz pistachios 55-8 02. and Kettle) Fig Newtons 10 02. almonds 18 02. or Naked Juice smoothie 15.2 02. - , BUY1 GET1 ie] B 50” BUY 1GET1 BUY 1GET 1 BUY1GET! ; 2/88 OFF’ %, = \%o - 50” OFF 50” OFF 50” OFF oF 4492. WITH.CARD Select Gold Emblem grocery WITH CARD Assorted novelty WITH CARD Assorted take WITH CARD Assorted frozen WITH CARD Kind bars 5 ct., breakfast products or Fast Favorites ice cream or bars. home ice cream. ‘snacks or appetizers. or protein bars 4 ct. heat & eat meals. a2 v29:31.33,36,

Latest weekly ads

$ 2/ 7 02.49 ¢a, 3 /$T7 0 3.99 ea, WITH CARD. BO i 5 é FE L cago SeimyPop pono Gatorade 28 oz. e270 53.02. > i > WITH CARD Monster WITH CARD Energy or NOS 15.5- Assorted 16 02 (excludes Java, Beverages, : Muscle and Hydro). Energy Drinks, Water or Coffees. \ BUY 1GET1 . P Cy 50” OFF WITH CARD Gold Emblem or Gold Emblem abound specialty cashews [ 8-9502. Pons Cay aS { /$ ) BUuYi BUY 1GET1 2/87 2/°7 ey welt % OFF" - or 4.29¢a, 50 50 0r 3.99 ea, WITH CARD Assorted General Mills , oO F F WITH CARD Lay's chips 4.75-8 02 or WITH CARD Family Size cereals 16.1-20.2 02 or WITHCARD Wonderful Doritos 9.25-11.5 02 (excludes Baked Chips Ahoy!7-130z0r Post Honey Bunches Of Oats with WITH CARD Tropicana 10-52 oz pistachios 55-8 02. and Kettle) Fig Newtons 10 02. almonds 18 02. or Naked Juice smoothie 15.2 02. - , BUY1 GET1 ie] B 50” BUY 1GET1 BUY 1GET 1 BUY1GET! ; 2/88 OFF’ %, = \%o - 50” OFF 50” OFF 50” OFF oF 4492. WITH.CARD Select Gold Emblem grocery WITH CARD Assorted novelty WITH CARD Assorted take WITH CARD Assorted frozen WITH CARD Kind bars 5 ct., breakfast products or Fast Favorites ice cream or bars. home ice cream. ‘snacks or appetizers. or protein bars 4 ct. heat & eat meals. a2 v29:31.33,36,

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