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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 11/15 to 11/28 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 11/15/2024 - 11/28/2024


Products in this weekly ad

This Circular Is Good At : 344 White Plains Rd. Eastchester an 337- me -_ ““USDAANGUS eager US #1 B = wits, Boneless North Carolina | fat Rib Steaks | A Picts ee tier Y BYES oo ALICE | 4 USDA GRADE A MOUNTAINER BLUE “Skinless & AH 2A Coa a ; hicken Brea ea PATTS y . od ut >, FOR CUTLET ms Crary ble ALICy hi | ea oy Ww. r ASST.VAR. 28-29 OZ. ——— a Po fe RedPack |= OE FP 2 aaa) Tomatoes A pay ti 7 ; : mr / 4 ASST.VAR. 12-16 OZ. BOX DeCecco |) 4 Pastas GZ TURKEYS 80¢ OFF Z A POUND | Va PURCHASE OR MORE. spay PER FAMILY. feMittiiinrse tia ASST.VAR. 16 OZ. PKG. ae ASST.VAR. 24 OZ. JAR Colavita Gea Rao’s Pastas aap Pasta Sauce @ 5 LB.BAG ASST.VAR. | LTR. BTL. + DEP, he Gold Medal Vintage = Bleached or . ‘4 Go. Gold \= Unbleached Flour Seltzer Water Lm BTL. + DEP. 1 Poland wi ; Spring pan Water . _ASST.VAR.23.1-36.8 OZ. CNSTR. = ASST.VAR. 30 OZ. JAR 7 Fs Simul 52 OZ. BTL. ! Maxwell Hellmann’s Simply House Coffee |. . Mayonnaise Orange Juice = Sa] Sa Li i veel " Houses oe = re Perce se] = jae (ies Ey “Ny ASST.VAR. 5.3 OZ. CUP ASST. VAR. 7-8 OZ. PKG. = aire ASST. VAR. 46 OZ. CONT. * chobant 7 Chobani Peele 4 SS Green Giant ass = Turkey Hill 2 Greek Yogurt Sauced Vegetables) — Ice Cream Chee ay EXCLUDES: FLIPS Look for Our Local Products Farm Fresh Items in Dairy & Produce Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Design By: Graphic Makers Plus (201) 501-8201

Latest weekly ads

This Circular Is Good At : 344 White Plains Rd. Eastchester an 337- me -_ ““USDAANGUS eager US #1 B = wits, Boneless North Carolina | fat Rib Steaks | A Picts ee tier Y BYES oo ALICE | 4 USDA GRADE A MOUNTAINER BLUE “Skinless & AH 2A Coa a ; hicken Brea ea PATTS y . od ut >, FOR CUTLET ms Crary ble ALICy hi | ea oy Ww. r ASST.VAR. 28-29 OZ. ——— a Po fe RedPack |= OE FP 2 aaa) Tomatoes A pay ti 7 ; : mr / 4 ASST.VAR. 12-16 OZ. BOX DeCecco |) 4 Pastas GZ TURKEYS 80¢ OFF Z A POUND | Va PURCHASE OR MORE. spay PER FAMILY. feMittiiinrse tia ASST.VAR. 16 OZ. PKG. ae ASST.VAR. 24 OZ. JAR Colavita Gea Rao’s Pastas aap Pasta Sauce @ 5 LB.BAG ASST.VAR. | LTR. BTL. + DEP, he Gold Medal Vintage = Bleached or . ‘4 Go. Gold \= Unbleached Flour Seltzer Water Lm BTL. + DEP. 1 Poland wi ; Spring pan Water . _ASST.VAR.23.1-36.8 OZ. CNSTR. = ASST.VAR. 30 OZ. JAR 7 Fs Simul 52 OZ. BTL. ! Maxwell Hellmann’s Simply House Coffee |. . Mayonnaise Orange Juice = Sa] Sa Li i veel " Houses oe = re Perce se] = jae (ies Ey “Ny ASST.VAR. 5.3 OZ. CUP ASST. VAR. 7-8 OZ. PKG. = aire ASST. VAR. 46 OZ. CONT. * chobant 7 Chobani Peele 4 SS Green Giant ass = Turkey Hill 2 Greek Yogurt Sauced Vegetables) — Ice Cream Chee ay EXCLUDES: FLIPS Look for Our Local Products Farm Fresh Items in Dairy & Produce Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Design By: Graphic Makers Plus (201) 501-8201

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