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Current weekly ad Carrs - Valid from 08/17 to 08/23 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Carrs 08/17/2022 - 08/23/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Pataday onan ONCE DAILY RELIEF ergy teh eet ee Nature's Truth Vitamins Selected Sizes ‘ond Varieties. Equalor Lesser Value Flintstones e Pataday or MiraLAX Gm srecny — ‘99 [icles 999 | sa, LUNA Relief 24-30 ct ea | Selected Sizes ea | and Varieties ry Selected Varieties member price J and Varieties member price J equolortesser ae a”) LUNA Nutrition ) Bars 189 07 for ° Selected Varietios member price Be a: Lysol disinfecting Wipes, Spray, Toilet Lysol Disinfecting Bowl Cleaner or All- AQ _ | ipescrspray ai gg. | Wszpe uso: QQ | Zonererfectaors Purpose Cleaner 3 Wick Air Care 7 Spray atis or Air Wick 10 5-pk 188-178 ozo ss Selected Sizes Selected Sizes 5-pk + 06702 Os Gatorade zero Protein [E> erat PAPER E Power Crunch ti ProteinBarsiacz = oa Selected Varieties momber price Signature SELECT® Scotch Scissors, Multi-Use White 3M Command Hooks, Paper, Sharpie Fine Top Flight Filler Paper Elmer's School Glue, Black Pens or Top of, | Bento Boxes of, | 8 Bitetiner or °%, Flight Portotos 33% fo | Var-aion 33% fo} Pilot G2 Fine nk Pen 33 fo Selected Sizes Selected Sizes Selected sizes off ‘and Varieties mortars ‘and Varieties werow ee cond Vearietios member price eats) ac MuscleMikProtein — )/ 9 1S Shakes 4-pk- IlozBts ° Selected Varieties member price 2 PACK JUMBO PILLOW XIE genio LARABAR Nutrition Bars B-pk + 16-17 02 y Selected Varieties member price [ Collapsible Laundry Top Flight Basket or Twin Notebooks, Avery Velvet Hangers Pack Jumbo Pillows, Binders or Expo Dry % |e “selected Varieties: %f,_ | Selected Varieties 1% Erase Markers 33 ‘nalabein Sole 33%, fo) icicboin Slot 33% fo Selected Sizes off | Locations while Locations While ‘and Varieties member price J] Supplies ist re ies Supplies Last member med Keto Fat Bombs 5-14 pk: 06-148 02 ° Selected Varieties member price ec] Puret] mya meat * Bike S a £0, ooo | Namenes Igloo Mint Siemens ‘ Refrigerator Pure! Selected Varieties 97, | Orgain organic ¢ Hand Sanitizer 2s Uby Kotex 7° Available in Select 33% 7: | [provets oesiar 2.4 8-10or for 2-22et ea | Locations while 1021p 40 x Selected Vorioties __ member price J Selected Varieties member price J Supplies Last marten) (eee em eee price Sa] Wateins welcome or + scanto make an appointment. os roa Pt 4) es 755,555559 51722 ‘SEA. COS. SC_$5

Latest weekly ads

Pataday onan ONCE DAILY RELIEF ergy teh eet ee Nature's Truth Vitamins Selected Sizes ‘ond Varieties. Equalor Lesser Value Flintstones e Pataday or MiraLAX Gm srecny — ‘99 [icles 999 | sa, LUNA Relief 24-30 ct ea | Selected Sizes ea | and Varieties ry Selected Varieties member price J and Varieties member price J equolortesser ae a”) LUNA Nutrition ) Bars 189 07 for ° Selected Varietios member price Be a: Lysol disinfecting Wipes, Spray, Toilet Lysol Disinfecting Bowl Cleaner or All- AQ _ | ipescrspray ai gg. | Wszpe uso: QQ | Zonererfectaors Purpose Cleaner 3 Wick Air Care 7 Spray atis or Air Wick 10 5-pk 188-178 ozo ss Selected Sizes Selected Sizes 5-pk + 06702 Os Gatorade zero Protein [E> erat PAPER E Power Crunch ti ProteinBarsiacz = oa Selected Varieties momber price Signature SELECT® Scotch Scissors, Multi-Use White 3M Command Hooks, Paper, Sharpie Fine Top Flight Filler Paper Elmer's School Glue, Black Pens or Top of, | Bento Boxes of, | 8 Bitetiner or °%, Flight Portotos 33% fo | Var-aion 33% fo} Pilot G2 Fine nk Pen 33 fo Selected Sizes Selected Sizes Selected sizes off ‘and Varieties mortars ‘and Varieties werow ee cond Vearietios member price eats) ac MuscleMikProtein — )/ 9 1S Shakes 4-pk- IlozBts ° Selected Varieties member price 2 PACK JUMBO PILLOW XIE genio LARABAR Nutrition Bars B-pk + 16-17 02 y Selected Varieties member price [ Collapsible Laundry Top Flight Basket or Twin Notebooks, Avery Velvet Hangers Pack Jumbo Pillows, Binders or Expo Dry % |e “selected Varieties: %f,_ | Selected Varieties 1% Erase Markers 33 ‘nalabein Sole 33%, fo) icicboin Slot 33% fo Selected Sizes off | Locations while Locations While ‘and Varieties member price J] Supplies ist re ies Supplies Last member med Keto Fat Bombs 5-14 pk: 06-148 02 ° Selected Varieties member price ec] Puret] mya meat * Bike S a £0, ooo | Namenes Igloo Mint Siemens ‘ Refrigerator Pure! Selected Varieties 97, | Orgain organic ¢ Hand Sanitizer 2s Uby Kotex 7° Available in Select 33% 7: | [provets oesiar 2.4 8-10or for 2-22et ea | Locations while 1021p 40 x Selected Vorioties __ member price J Selected Varieties member price J Supplies Last marten) (eee em eee price Sa] Wateins welcome or + scanto make an appointment. os roa Pt 4) es 755,555559 51722 ‘SEA. COS. SC_$5

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