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Current weekly ad Homeland - Valid from 08/30 to 09/05 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Homeland 08/30/2023 - 09/05/2023


Products in this weekly ad

LOCAL FRESH & CATCH Trimmed Marinated Boneless Chicken Breast Hillshire Farm zy Bob Evans Fresh Bratwurst Side Dishes OPES b = vet! pes cae a? Ge es, <4 4 ty er = — ee a — ss — om SOEED Kingsford ; i Hilshire Farm Oscar Mayer ae aie Ultra Thin Wright Brand . isaac Fresh Shaved wor ease Premium Meats Stack Pack Bacon Lunehmeats Pick of the We di i ‘ate 2/55 $00 = TEL a ee mania ete » [Pe Nature Sweet Cherub Tomatoes Russet 10 02. Container aking Potatoes ER Ca Sweet Yellow Onions Se &. a Eat Smart Washed and Ready Green Beans or Brussels Sprouts BR Taylor Farms i Vegetable Tray With Dip 4002 Package sgidaee i FRANZIA 4X : Coy S @ > FRANZIA 3 RA. Se 5 | “Rds y a Topo Chico, White Claw, Francia Truly, Mountain Dew or Chile Box Wine St Keystone, Natural Light, Busch or Busch Light Beer a is) ve sre Peps it Peps ‘ae oS LaMarca Prosecco or Rose Wine 750 ML Selec Prices Effective August 30 Thru September 5, 2023

Latest weekly ads

LOCAL FRESH & CATCH Trimmed Marinated Boneless Chicken Breast Hillshire Farm zy Bob Evans Fresh Bratwurst Side Dishes OPES b = vet! pes cae a? Ge es, <4 4 ty er = — ee a — ss — om SOEED Kingsford ; i Hilshire Farm Oscar Mayer ae aie Ultra Thin Wright Brand . isaac Fresh Shaved wor ease Premium Meats Stack Pack Bacon Lunehmeats Pick of the We di i ‘ate 2/55 $00 = TEL a ee mania ete » [Pe Nature Sweet Cherub Tomatoes Russet 10 02. Container aking Potatoes ER Ca Sweet Yellow Onions Se &. a Eat Smart Washed and Ready Green Beans or Brussels Sprouts BR Taylor Farms i Vegetable Tray With Dip 4002 Package sgidaee i FRANZIA 4X : Coy S @ > FRANZIA 3 RA. Se 5 | “Rds y a Topo Chico, White Claw, Francia Truly, Mountain Dew or Chile Box Wine St Keystone, Natural Light, Busch or Busch Light Beer a is) ve sre Peps it Peps ‘ae oS LaMarca Prosecco or Rose Wine 750 ML Selec Prices Effective August 30 Thru September 5, 2023

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