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Current weekly ad Homeland - Valid from 08/30 to 09/05 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Homeland 08/30/2023 - 09/05/2023


Products in this weekly ad

TE sinc! ae May Cy) | separ T : Siete | eee Ga as Read | ren SA NRRL He S.% GATHERINGS Rae DAS ee) A 6 at a Dietz & Watson oa HEN Dietz & Watson Strawberry Black Forest Ham hon Cheese Tee Scored Bar Cakes = | =~ ey N Es rw Café Valley Creme Cakes i a A H g rE tee q aoa) : : area . et = “Chobant < a bm an REA - frenct ol 7s in Ti Velveeta d Chobani fi Hiland psa. Cheese Lat Flip Yogurt p20 Friis Dp r = ae ns : ILADELPHIA a sa Tae original 7 = em be 3 B I | RE Sc laf ' 1 ae a DELPHIA 95 seam a | fl -_ . Bas a PILES we Hye 3 . Best Choice Best Choice Country Crock Philadelphia Froen Frit SaraLee Soo Bute ‘s Spread S00” Bick Cream Cheese zo Pound Cake [a4 <a | Y ia. wee, @ a es 2 De ay, ae Pre; ABS ‘ 4/7 5" all 2/78 Green Giant Edwards $78 Boxed Vegetables Creme or $258 De Waflebakker’s Nestlé Pancakes os ep Pecan Pies $50 Drumsticks ss litt a Ad be sas |p / ini yan Sao 2S a ue Loss Original Charcoal Hefty Papa's Deluxe Clear Vanity Fair $450 Hath ight Cac $poo. ‘Hard Wood Chunks $yrd CEL Grp Cups Napkins Buy 5 Participating Unilever Items - Save $5 at the Checkout '*ems Must be Purchased Re Cur lado) 8 Dove Doe A Dove — E $499 a. $599 > $599 FP) 0: $7799 — z $999 pan oe = $400 =$700 3 =$700 | =$700 =$700 Dove Fi: we 2ES 490% ia ‘oso Deodorant Stick Ti Men or Women x Body Wash or Axe eros Dove Dove oat Shamgee Body Spray Rrced care. Body Wash Ber Seep ms aes : ips UNIZED SEE YOUR PHARMACIST TODAY! ee We're Your Vaccination Destination! HOMELAND J We offer COVID, Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, and many more vaccines. PHARMACY ' ~~

Latest weekly ads

TE sinc! ae May Cy) | separ T : Siete | eee Ga as Read | ren SA NRRL He S.% GATHERINGS Rae DAS ee) A 6 at a Dietz & Watson oa HEN Dietz & Watson Strawberry Black Forest Ham hon Cheese Tee Scored Bar Cakes = | =~ ey N Es rw Café Valley Creme Cakes i a A H g rE tee q aoa) : : area . et = “Chobant < a bm an REA - frenct ol 7s in Ti Velveeta d Chobani fi Hiland psa. Cheese Lat Flip Yogurt p20 Friis Dp r = ae ns : ILADELPHIA a sa Tae original 7 = em be 3 B I | RE Sc laf ' 1 ae a DELPHIA 95 seam a | fl -_ . Bas a PILES we Hye 3 . Best Choice Best Choice Country Crock Philadelphia Froen Frit SaraLee Soo Bute ‘s Spread S00” Bick Cream Cheese zo Pound Cake [a4 <a | Y ia. wee, @ a es 2 De ay, ae Pre; ABS ‘ 4/7 5" all 2/78 Green Giant Edwards $78 Boxed Vegetables Creme or $258 De Waflebakker’s Nestlé Pancakes os ep Pecan Pies $50 Drumsticks ss litt a Ad be sas |p / ini yan Sao 2S a ue Loss Original Charcoal Hefty Papa's Deluxe Clear Vanity Fair $450 Hath ight Cac $poo. ‘Hard Wood Chunks $yrd CEL Grp Cups Napkins Buy 5 Participating Unilever Items - Save $5 at the Checkout '*ems Must be Purchased Re Cur lado) 8 Dove Doe A Dove — E $499 a. $599 > $599 FP) 0: $7799 — z $999 pan oe = $400 =$700 3 =$700 | =$700 =$700 Dove Fi: we 2ES 490% ia ‘oso Deodorant Stick Ti Men or Women x Body Wash or Axe eros Dove Dove oat Shamgee Body Spray Rrced care. Body Wash Ber Seep ms aes : ips UNIZED SEE YOUR PHARMACIST TODAY! ee We're Your Vaccination Destination! HOMELAND J We offer COVID, Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, and many more vaccines. PHARMACY ' ~~

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